10.09.2016 09:18 PM

You can’t have a rational debate with a person who is never rational


  1. dave constable says:

    I watched the debate between Trump and Clinton.

    • dave constable says:

      I don’t know if I mentioned it but USAID, in it advice to foreign governments struggling to have democratic elections, tells those governments to include all leadership candidates in leadership debates so as to give voters a wide variety of views. Were I living on the other side of the planet where these two talked about targeting, I’d be feeling kind of sick right now, knowing one of them will be US Commander in Chief.

  2. PJH says:

    Not a great fan of either candidate, but I have to respect Ms. Clinton’s grace under fire, her dignified manner, her knowledge of world events, and her command of the English language….I have to say she won this one as well…….She seems to have put the health issue to bed with two strong debate performances…..while Mr. Trump continues to make us wonder when will he be making his next assinine comment. I only hope that when Ms. Clinton wins the election, she can bind up the wounds of a very troubled and divided nation. She will have her work cut out for her.

    • godot10 says:

      Of course Hillary is knowledgeable of world events. She created them. She is responsible for the mess in Libya and Nothern Africa, the mess in Sudan and South Sudan, the mess in Syria, and the mess in Ukraine, and as a result, responsible for the massive human migration and refugee crisis.

      • The Doctor says:

        Yep. Just her. Nobody else. After all, she’s attended Bilderberg events, so she is one of the race of alien lizard-people who secretly rule over us and control EVERYTHING.

  3. Eric Weiss says:

    I watched the first 15 then shut it off. I can’t believe that this is how far this election has sunk. I weep for American democracy.

  4. Kevin says:

    I think it was Erma Bombeck who wrote: “The trouble with arguing with a five-year old is that in no time at all, you start to sound like a five-year old”. So yeah, tonight’s debate was beneath Ms. Clinton but look what she had to deal with.

  5. lou says:

    Dignified!?! I will say intelligent,yes, but dignified?!? When did MSNBC take over your twitter account? If she didn’t lie about everything she does, she wouldn’t speak! Here’s the choice. A moronic loose cannon that can’t be trusted, or a sly two-faced political operator that will go to any means and lie constantly. That the well “educated” liberals are lining up behind this fraud is telling. Very telling. Also very amusing that the party that Idolizes JFK, RFK, and William Jefferson Clinton is acting as it is about Trumps locker room talk. I suppose the Jay-Z lyrics weren’t available.

  6. Ray Blessin says:

    I didn’t watch the “debate” but heard some of it while I was shoveling out the kitchen after dinner for 12.
    FEWER PEOPLE WOULD DIE under a “Trump” presidency than under a Mrs. Clinton presidency.
    The Donald will not be heard from again after Nov. 9 . . . .
    . . . . and the world might end when Mrs. Clinton gets through with it.

  7. Francis says:

    Good god, no words have ever been spoken truer.

    What makes me nauseous is watching the post-debate panels and seeing pundits obnoxiously try and dispense contemptible analysis their from self-righteous, contrarian high-chairs.

    So gross.

    I don’t know how any sane person could try and inject any perspective of rationality into anything Trump says or does — no matter what their personal opinions are.

    I look forward to watching these people sour in their wrongfully assigned sense of intelligence once Trump soundly loses.

  8. BorB says:

    LOL. Looks like the debate didn’t go well for Hillary.

    She should’ve took the money and run. Now Trump is going to win and sick a special prosecutor on her for her illegal email server used to do bribe-related Clinton Foundation biz. That’s where greed gets you! Remember that kiddies!!

    • Ron says:

      Drumpf has a far better chance to end up in jail than Clinton.

      He should be quiet about such things. But he learned at the knee of Roy Cohn, so …..

  9. terence quinn says:


    The NYT fact checks tell you all one needs to know about the debate.

  10. R News says:

    If he is the human garbage, why did the fly land on HER? Just sayin’…

  11. The Doctor says:

    It is impossible to have a rational, constructive discussion with somebody with narcissistic and/or borderline personality disorder. Trump is exhibit A.

  12. P. Brenn says:

    wow I am not gonig to any more town halls…

  13. Tim White says:

    Donald Trump is an asshole.
    But I don’t share your enthusiasm for the Clinton family.
    His supporters are not all assholes/stupid/racist etc.
    Anyone who thinks Trump isn’t surfing the zeitgeist needs to pay more attention.

  14. mow mow says:

    Keep talking, Ron. You are why we have trump.

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