11.18.2016 10:10 AM

She’s beautiful

The haters, meanwhile, are as ugly as ever.


  1. Mark says:

    Agree, but it’s difficult to argue that a regular $600 blow dry didn’t put her in the elitist camp, along with Trump.

    • I’ll argue it. How often do you hear male politicians being criticized for expensive grooming and clothing?

      • Mark says:

        I don’t care if the subject is male or female, but anyone who spends that much money on a regular basis to blow dry their hair, their dog’s hair, the hair on their rug, or whatever hair, is an elitist as far as I’m concerned, and shouldn’t pretend they understand, let alone look out for, the regular person. And Trump’s one too, given he never met a trust fund he didn’t like.

  2. Innocent III says:

    How good looking is anyone before he or she votes to bomb another country? http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/21/iraq.hillary/

  3. Matt P says:

    It’s annoying that female candidates need to consider their appearance so intently, but it probably does matter. Maybe she should have sported this look throughout the entire campaign? It seems authentic, and reminds people of the Secretary of State days when her competence and work ethic were widely admired. That being said, if you’re running for the highest office in the land, maybe you would/should want to look your conventional best. Definitely safest, which was a bit of a problem for the Clinton-Kaine campaign IMHO. Anyhow, now I feel stupid for even talking about this…

  4. Ridiculosity says:

    It would be revealing to see Trump without make-up. We’ve already seen his flat hair.

  5. Charlie says:

    I think its a statement, and a pretty damn poignant one at that.

    It’s Hilary Clinton’s “Fuck You” to everyone who has nitpicked her for 20 years and through this campaign. Its her way of actively showing people she doesn’t give a shit what they think anymore and that they can go fuck themselves.

    Let’s not forget, Hilary was and has always been a beautiful woman — but she’s 70 years old now. She wasn’t looking to be Bombshell-in-Chief by running for the president, she wanted to be a stateswomen and leader. Americans ultimately decided she wasn’t good enough for that and she evidently refuses to continue the charade to please people that didn’t approve of her.

    Honestly, she’s a wealthy women who could afford the daily appearance expenses till she dies, but stopping it now is the perfect way of telling people she doesn’t give a shit anymore. Its her defiance in defeat.

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Waiting for Michelle Rempel’s take.

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