Musings —12.12.2016 08:47 AM
—I predict Canada will be a pile of radioactive ash by, say, Summer
This is how the world ends This is how the world ends Not with bang but with a Trump #uspoli #China
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) December 12, 2016
Radioactive ash: sell it to the Chinese. They’d buy anything.
The Chinese would rightly put a duty on it that would make it too expensive to import.
I am surprised they have not invaded Taiwan yet. Maybe waiting for Trump’s inauguration. Maybe like/unlike the gift Reagan got from Iran at his inauguration (American prisoners).
China needs a war to eliminate the excess male population that their one-child policy created. Their export of Chinese male labourers all over the world – in particular, Africa, but Canada, too – is not enough. People underconsider the stabilizing effect of male/female unions and children. The Chinese are coming to grips with it.
oh sure
Just ship our raw materials and Jobs overseas.
I predict that Trump will be gone by summer. Impeached by his own Congress for trying to rule like an Emperor
instead of serving like a President.
I hope we aren’t all also gone in the bargain, my friends.
To add to the pot of chaos being brewed for Canada …when the US continues to suffer through the current climate-change drought and they begin to run out of water, guess who they are going to call? And if we don’t give the right answers, does anyone think Trump’s Legion of Doom Cabinet will hesitate in taking what they want?
Nope. But then they are really good at losing friends and alienating people.
I’ve always found the idea of a Sino-American war bemusing. How would the battleship and destroyers navigate the Pacific amidst all the barges filled with flat screens and lead toothpaste?
They won’t need to. There are 18 Ohio class missile subs in the active US Fleet.
If any one of them were within range and launched all of their missiles, China would be a radio active hole in the ground.
By then, we would all be well and truly fucked. Not bemused.
You miss my point – no two countries are going to nuclear (or conventional) war when a half trillion dollars of trade occur between them annually and one holds a few trillion of the other’s debt.
I do not think so. I think that challenging China over Taiwan forces China to their back foot. That is perhaps not a good thing, but the thing is done. China has advertised their response for so long that, for once, China is predictable, and has only one response to roll out. (Todays response, not the wishful thinking one last week) China can be a dick and hand out more nukes for example, but they have already given designs to North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, and we do not know how many others. They did this with impunity, but now they have all these ‘frenemies’ with nukes they cannot control. They have to be cognisant of the future problems they have created. Like when one day North Korea joins South Korea, and China has a nuclear armed and seriously pissed off neighbour with a huge army and great wealth. Or Japan says, ‘Look the Haters are pointing nukes at us’ and go get their own kit. China does not now, and never has had the force to cross the Taiwan Straight. The most they can do militarily is rain missiles down, and that is an expensive and useless exercise. That is the purpose of those island fortresses they build. To one day allow them the cover to act in spite of US guarantees. China has many responses to consider, but smoking radioactive ruins are not amongst them. One thing is for sure though. China will be as prickly and unmanageable as they know how for a while. Between China and the US, I bet Trade will take a hammering. Big disruptions and job losses all round. If Trump actually has a point, or some objective in mind, I guess we shall see quick enough. Will it be worth it? We simply cannot know if he has an actual plan. What we do know is that Trump has forced this exact reaction from China by tweeting again and again, and that response was utterly predictable, even for a total moron. Yesterdays response was what Trump wanted. Now it’s Trumps move. Presumably he has a plan.
Plan ? Trump ?
yes, it is probably a good time to stop some of the hyperbole and pay attention to what is, and is likely to be. Even Trump noticed people talking about the implications of his tweets. He then clarified his position. This is indicative of a plan. 3 weeks ago it was OK to wail and gnash your teeth. Now the world is responding, and the teeth gnashing is counter-productive. I for one would like to know if it is safe to hold equities, or if my Brother should be moving away from Seoul as quick as he can. Is my European Passport still an asset that needs to be renewed ASAP? Real people will be making real decisions, and they can base them on reality, or something else. Presumably, that is why people read a site like this, because they want to know useful things, like what is going on, and what might be next.
Sometimes people forget the tens of thousands of young people who responded to Sanders’ message. They are still around, and many are organizing.
The Congresswoman from Hawaii, after joining her fellow veterans for peace at Standing Rock, headed home, and, 2 days ago, tweeted,’ Now is the time to focus on peace, not he neo cons’ steady drumbeats for war.’ Yesterday she tweeted, ‘If we are not careful, we’ll deplete or pollute the world’s water resources. We must act now to protect our water.’ Then later, ‘We must prohibit taxpayers’ dollars from being used to provide weapons/support to al Qaeda.ISIS and other terrorist groups. Period.’
Imagine this person, maybe even allied with Ajamu ( surely the most accomplished and articulate candidate in the election campaigns) from the Greens, speaking for the movement that coalesced around Sanders’ message.
There are a lot of young people stateside, even teenagers, who are seeing things a little differently than what is being clung to by the aging PNAC world hegemony hangers-on in Washington (with , unfortunately, their cheerleaders hare in Canada). There are glimmers of hope, and a willingness to wrest the future away from the failed generation.
Give me a fucking break. They couldn’t even get off their asses to vote. And they, more than any other demographic, led to President trump. Google “Mook” and “millennials” and “loss” if you don’t believe it.
They didn’t vote for Trump, and they didn’t vote for Clinton. In other words, they didn’t vote for who all their wiser elders voted for.
who’s trump
Not to mention millennials are not quite as progressive as some think. The reason for the big Democrat advantage amongst millennials is more due to the fact they are less white than America is as a whole. Amongst white millennials, Trump actually narrowly won according to the exit polls of 48% to 45% for Clinton although within the margin error so more or less tied. Lets remember in middle America a lot of millennials still go to church every Sunday. People like CNN’s Kayleigh McEnany are unfortunately far too numerous in the US. Van Jones I think hit it on the nail what happened, what you saw was a whitelash against a changing America against minorities gaining more rights and that is where the real divide is. Yes a minority of whites didn’t vote Trump, but more did than did not and it was racism that brought Trump to office.
The Taiwanese don’t want to be part of China. They have said repeatedly they don’t form part of China. So I’ll take that as given and respect their democratic right to self-determination.
China claims otherwise, but until now has just been using Taiwan as a means to threaten the rest of the world. But by escalating the issue to prove a point, Trump is on dangerous ground. His dick-swinging strutting is backing China into a corner.
I’m not quite ready to start running around like my hair’s on fire. Sometimes events spiral out of control though.
I am more worried about him with North Korea. In that case you have two nutbars with their hands on nuclear weapons. The Chinese are smart and they realize Trump’s election is to their benefit in the long-run as he will cause another recession and speed up the date as to when China surpasses the US in GDP by about a decade so they have every reason to just ignore him. When your opponent is self-destructing you stand aside and let them do it and Trump is doing a great job at ensuring China replaces the US as the next superpower sooner rather than later.