12.05.2016 01:12 PM

We get letters: another Trump troll picks up a crayon and writes in

From “weasel,” using weasel@huha.com at  American spelling. Anyone care to find him?

You are simply a weasel who barks “fascist” and “racist” at your political enemies because you got nothing. You’re a bribe-taking politician wannabe FFS. As punk as Hillary’s pantsuits. Pathetic to the core. Please do the world a favor and kill yourself.


  1. MississaugaPeter says:

    Cogeco client


    is probably as far as you can go without an insider or court order or police.

  2. patrick says:

    Ok, an absolute doofus, but “Punk as Hillary’s Pantsuit!” that’s funny.

  3. Bill Templeman says:

    Hope you are saving all these….It will be an emerging genre very soon, as the goon squads grow and troll the web for sanity to scream at.

  4. William Whyte says:

    LOL. Please don’t kill yourself but pay heed to the insults of your enemies rather than the compliments of your friends. Who said that: Confuscius? Shakespeare? Me?

    The Clinton campaign essentially ignored Trump’s foul mouthed insults but they seemed to register with the electorate in most of the electoral colleges.

  5. Pipes says:

    Hmmm. Pretty impressive though. He or she knows that weasels do bark.

  6. dave constable says:

    Election Reform values question #8: Would you rather a strong stable single party majority government? Or have a government by an extreme party made up of weasels?

    • William Whyte says:

      Hmmm ……. Would I prefer a government of extreme weasels, or, a strong and stable majority government……. in Canada I presume?

      A government of extreme weasels would be easily flushed out of it’s hole in the ground and exposed for what it truly is…… while….. a strong and stable majority government would easily win over the fawning media and government bureaucrats while raping the Treasury covertly………. hmmmmm

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