In 2016, Politico had a handwriting expert analyze the signatures of the Democratic and Republican candidates. Here’s what they had to say about Trump’s signature;
Donald Trump’s signature has absolutely no curves, only angles. Curves in handwriting show softness, nurturing and a maternal nature. Angles show a writer who is feeling angry, determined, fearful, competitive or challenged. When a script is completely devoid of curves, the writer lacks empathy and craves power, prestige and admiration. Besides the bigheadedness that shows in this script there is something else that is rather over-sized—the “p” in “Trump.” This large phallic symbol shouts, “Me … big hunk of man.”
3) CNN aired a video a couple weeks back trying to find out if he was saying “big league” or “bigly” and the conclusion from a speech pattern expert was he is saying “big league”
Speaking of made up stuff…is the White House using a private security firm?
In the words of Bill Maher, “a signed tweet!”
In 2016, Politico had a handwriting expert analyze the signatures of the Democratic and Republican candidates. Here’s what they had to say about Trump’s signature;
Donald Trump’s signature has absolutely no curves, only angles. Curves in handwriting show softness, nurturing and a maternal nature. Angles show a writer who is feeling angry, determined, fearful, competitive or challenged. When a script is completely devoid of curves, the writer lacks empathy and craves power, prestige and admiration. Besides the bigheadedness that shows in this script there is something else that is rather over-sized—the “p” in “Trump.” This large phallic symbol shouts, “Me … big hunk of man.”
His signature is of something that one with extreme sociopathy would exhibit.
I mean, thats not even cursive. It doesn’t even remotely resemble the words “Donald Trump”.
How can I order one. I would take it as a compliment and honour to be hated by Donald Trump.
Shouldn’t that be bigley. ‘ I bigley hate Warren Kinsella.”
1) It’s Bigly
2) It’s actually a word
3) CNN aired a video a couple weeks back trying to find out if he was saying “big league” or “bigly” and the conclusion from a speech pattern expert was he is saying “big league”
A graphologist’s nightmare.
Trump doesn’t know who you are, and if he did he wouldn’t care what you think.
Hate to be the auto pen designer that has to come up with the machine to match that signature.