02.21.2017 04:38 PM

Dump Trump: now in HuffPo





  1. dave constable says:

    Trump and Sanders looked like outsiders.
    Clinton looked like an insider – deep state institutions and personnel.
    Enough voters in the right states wanted an outsider, so, Trump presidency.
    It looked as if one way Trump and company would deal with deep state, was to emphasize military intell over CIA.
    Deep state is in full replace-Trump-with-one-of-their-own mode, with help from Clinton Democrats, many congress Republicans, NYT, Wapo, and assorted other deep state allies.

    Self styled ‘progressives’ are cheering on deep state and insider Washington in this attempt to upend the election results. CIA is now their hero.

  2. Gyor says:

    Trying to impeach Trump will only make his supporters more radical and show a contempt for democracy.

  3. Eric Weiss says:

    Interesting that a national US conservative group is finally condemning the “alt-right”. Pretty laughable, that they do it after the election, and try to brand them “left-wing facsists”, but refreshing none the less.


  4. Robert Frindt says:

    Does anyone else have whiplash now that leftists are suddenly supporting free trade and worried about the Russian threat ?

    Maybe we should bring back Reagan so they can all vote for him…

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