03.24.2017 05:59 PM

As you will see, I can’t stop grinning about the Unpresident’s utter humiliation 


  1. dave constable says:

    The Affordable Care Act is safe, and continuing to secure a floor for private insurance industry profits.

    • The Doctor says:

      But . . . I thought Trump had some super-amazing plan to fix everything. You know, like he constantly said on the campaign trail. Was that all just a bunch of bullshit then?

      • dave constable says:

        Seems to me that whatever plan they come up with, the present plan, Trump’s plan, …they start with the premise that they have to keep the private insurance industry at the centre of it all.

        • Innocent III says:

          You are absolutely correct. While the ACA is certainly better than nothing, health care ought to concern the citizens, health care providers, and the government. It was tragic that Obama was forced to include insurance providers in the final arrangements. A single-payer arrangement not only makes more sense, it is less expensive to administer.

  2. Eric Weiss says:

    Remember then the Orange Bawbag said repealing and replacing Obama care was going to be “so easy”? Good times… good times…

  3. Dan Calda says:

    Trump is no more then Howdy Doody…he has less power then any modern Potus.
    This is a battle of the Oligarchs…the Koch bros vs the Mercers.
    The Republican caucus just does as it is told…with a few brave souls willing to actually work for their constituents.

  4. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Today, Trump is the earliest lame-duck in presidential history.

  5. Kevin says:

    It’s quiet, too quiet…..

    Trump doesn’t have it in him to accept defeat and move on, but the reaction so far has been comparatively restrained. I can’t help but ask myself why? I’d have expected hissy fits and reckless accusations and so on, but so far it’s just been gosh, those darn Democrats sure got me on this one. Snarky comments about maybe his doctors have upped his sniffle medication aside, I’m left thinking something doesn’t add up here.

  6. Doris says:

    Problem is the Dems still own Obamacare and Trump is right it may explode due to insurers backing out of the market.

    Dems now have to shift the blame to the Repugs for not fixing the obvious problems with it and make the Repugs responsible for the failure to fix in time for the 2018 election.

    Advantage Trump

    • Dan Calda says:

      Well said. And the Repugs will do little things to help it implode.
      Trump is a Mercer boy…just a convenient puppet.
      Paul Ryan needs to wear this.

  7. MississaugaPeter says:

    I can only think of The Art of War right now. And I now am for the first time genuinely frightened.

    It was all rather interesting, looking from afar the past two years. The 1% cabal getting beaten by an underdog. Someone who had signed a pact with a devil, not much unlike his rival who had with another devil.

    Wikileaks revealed all this. All one needs to google is Colin Powell Bohemian Grove. Trillions of future generation dollars, millions of displaced and lost souls …

    Anyways, the sociopath has been forced to retreat. He is almost at the river. Is he going to be allowed an out? He has been humiliated at a level he could never have imagined. The barrage is relentless. He needed to be humbled, but there is a point where it is overkill.

    Even in retreat, the sociopath is singularly still the most powerful man on the planet. I fear that he knows that there is a river behind him. I fear, and you should too, what he will do if he is pushed all the way to the riverbank.

    If this is repeated, I blame CAPTCHA (there is no conspiracy theory for that).

  8. whyshouldIsellyourwheat says:

    However, a defeat over repeal-and-replace could be a strategic victory for Trump.

    1) He can say he tried, and can wash his hands of health care. Not his problem anymore.
    2) By losing he has marginalized the REAL lunatic ideologue swamp creature in Ryan, and he owes nothing to the Freedom Caucus.
    3) Obamacare is still the law of the land, but it is a fatally flawed and imploding piece of legislation.
    4) So as it implodes, it will force moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats in Congress to work together, causing huge fissures in both the Congressional Parties, and the creation of a new coalition with whom Trump will be able to make deals with on taxation, infrastructure, and fixing Obamacare.

    So, defeat is VICTORY! -).-).-). Maybe.

  9. Ken from East York says:

    Is that big pile of coffee pods over DJT’s right shoulder a new feature of the Oval? Don’t remember seeing those before – significant? Or Trump coffee marketing.

  10. P. Brenn says:

    healthcare in US still a mess –

  11. Mario says:

    Obamacare is not a panacea. My parents premium went up 30% this year ($475 to $618) and the number of insurance companies in the exchange getting smaller. UnitedHealth rollback their Obamacare plans.

  12. Mario says:

    ^^ It’s now $618 a month for exchange premiums.

  13. the salamander says:

    .. Trump solution.. ? Another golf weekend & some twittertime ..

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