Musings —03.01.2017 02:49 PM
—Lent schment
I don't drink, smoke, take any drugs or eat much red meat. So I don't really have much left to give up for Lent, except Lent.
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) March 1, 2017
Musings —03.01.2017 02:49 PM
—I don't drink, smoke, take any drugs or eat much red meat. So I don't really have much left to give up for Lent, except Lent.
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) March 1, 2017
You ever consider giving up moderation for Lent?
No don’t give up moderation for Lent. I’d hate to have to read the comments here without moderation.
How about not thinking about Trump during Lent?
May help with the blood pressure and stress and give you more time to get exercise and hang out with family and friends.
You can go back to thinking about Trump after Lent.
Mmh – sounds as tough as giving up obsessing about Russia.
Pray for common sense to rain down on politicians everywhere.
Tofu and kale. Without question, two of the most ungodly creations. Ever.
How about giving up on medieval social practices for Lent?
Maybe its about time to throw the whole mess overboard?
Its time, I would opine.
I don’t observe Lent, but if I did, I would give up reading Ezra Levant and all his propaganda edicts from the Rebel Media. Would also stop reading the Tweeter feeds of Richard Spencer (alt right guru) and the stubby-fingered Orange Vulgarian.
Your pride in your perfection suggests that there might still be something that merits consideration.
Give up listening to Minor Threat for a month?
You need to take up some sort of wholesome vice so you can deny yourself this during lent.
Remember, the Vatican is watching your every move.