03.02.2017 12:04 AM


Oh look, the Klansman-pal is in a spot of trouble:

Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Justice Department officials said, encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow during Sessions’s confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

And he spoke at those confirmation hearings under oath. Based on the early evidence, he perjured himself, beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Donald Trump and his cabal are worse than crooks. They’re indisputably traitors, as well. 


  1. MississaugaPeter says:

    IF you are correct in stating: “Based on the early evidence, he perjured himself, beyond a reasonable doubt.” Then he is out.

  2. Kevin T. says:

    Seriously, do these idiots even asked themselves questions, even simple one like “Will this ever get out?” or are they so arrogant that they don’t even figure that they will be eventually exposed? What is going through their mind when they are lying under oath, or do they even care?

  3. bluegreenblogger says:

    This is getting stupid. The Administration is being trained to roll over at the Republican Congress command. You can abuse Mexicans, Muslims, throw every Iranian in jail, berate women, criminalise homosexuals, shoot black people ‘just in case’ they are baddies. You can start a war or two, and build walls all day long. But don’t confuse our message about Russkies = Baddies.

  4. Daryl gordon says:

    This whole brouhaha is another pathetic attempt by the Democrats to delegitimize the Trump administration. From the NY Times articles it is easy to connect the dots with the outgoing Obama staff preserving (read leaking)
    Data regarding the Russian theory of election tampering. It’s not hard to imagine that Obama had a hand in this.

    To date there is no hard evidence or confirmed sources proving Russian interference. The leaks coming without absolute confirmation only serve to smear the Trump administration and push the confirmed genuine corruption by the Democrats to the back pages.

    Coming right on the heels of a highly regarded speech by Trump to Congress, the timing points directly to more fake news designed to obstruct Trump from implementing the agenda he campaigned on.

    For Democrats it’s bad enough that Trump defeated the chosen one, it will be even worse if he succeeds in his presidency.

    • Tim Sullivan says:

      I think the 3 million votes shy of a tie did a lot to that de-legitimization on its own. That’s voters doing that!

      To the extent the guy is inept, out of his depth, incompetent and clueless about the machinery of government, the US Constitution and world affairs, he’s de-letimizing what the 3 million shy votes hadn’t.

    • Tim Sullivan says:

      I think the 3 million votes shy of a tie did a lot to that de-legitimization on its own. That’s voters doing that!

      To the extent the guy is inept, out of his depth, incompetent and clueless about the machinery of government, the US Constitution and world affairs, he’s de-legitimizing what the 3 million shy votes hadn’t.

  5. Daryl gordon says:

    Who do you suppose will provide the transcript? NY Times, Washington Post or CNN.

    For a genuine lie, see : Sen Claire McCaskill. She stated she had never met with the Russian ambassador but her own twitter posts prove different. One such meeting occurred just before McCaskill came out in favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

    Sessions was not asked about meetings with Russians or numerous other diplomats that took place in his capacity as Senate Armed Services Committee. He was asked about communication with Russia during the election, to that he truthfully answered no.

    Meetings between politicians and foreign ambassadors are a regular occurrence, you could cherry pick a so called suspicious meeting based on party lines anytime.

    Ps: not sad at all, I’m enjoying the pointless lather the Democrats are working up instead of focusing on the numerous deficiencies in their party.

  6. Lance says:

    Sessions had this meeting as a senator not as a surrogate for the Trump campaign, and he did not have a formal meeting at the convention. Sessions spoke to the Russian Ambassador along with other Ambassadors as he was conducting senatorial duties. That same Russian Ambassador was also at the Democratic Convention. During his confirmation meeting he was asked specifically if a meeting was held during the timeline of the Trump campaign. He truthfully answered that he had not.

    How many times is it now that the Democrat Party have overplayed their hand? This is getting comical. At this rate, after losing over a thousand seats during Obama’s administration, Trump winning when he was supposed to lose, and one manufactured scandal after another, 2018 will not be kind to the Democrats either.

    • Dan Calda says:

      2018 will be a blue tide.
      It ain’t the Democrats running away from all the town hall meetings. When you are scared of your constituents…the end times are near.
      Its hilarious how you folks attacked Clinton for a made up story…yet go to the end of the world to defend Team Trump. Carry on.

    • Tim Sullivan says:

      He said he had not spoken to Russians, he did not clarify if he used a surrogate’s mouth or a Senator’s mouth to do it. He said he didn’t do it.

      That was incorrect. He had.

      And incidentally, he had attended one of the meetings on the campaign’s dime.

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