05.23.2017 12:53 PM

“Officer Greg Williams” from CRA called me!

Golly, it sounds like I am in big trouble!

Listen in!


  1. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Nah, got to be routine. In this country, we are smart enough not to dig our own political graves, when in power.

  2. Ray says:

    SFH makes too much money.

  3. P. Brenn says:

    ok but kidding aside did you expense an $18 orange juice?

  4. Peter says:

    Just got exactly the same call. Hilarious.

  5. Kayla says:

    I got a serious call from an officer name Greg Williams who basically seemed like he was threatening me. Said to call him back or else type of deal. He gave me an Ontario number…….is this serious? I tried to call back and the number got disconnected?

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