06.01.2017 09:12 AM

Most brilliant Twitter exchange ever

You’ve probably seen this by now, but it still makes me spit my morning covfefe all over my desk.

Here’s the Unpresident:

And here’s my candidate:

Game, set, match.

Dear Agent Orange: she plays chess.  You still play checkers – badly.


  1. patrick says:

    Good break down on why Trump has passed some of his late night tweeting to a handler at pcmag.com and a couple of other sites. Actually it’s pretty easy – coherent with actual biggie words “handler” – incoherent with pretend biggie words “dumbass”.

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Sorry, but these days it’s more like the top banana and his team are playing wreckers…

  3. Jean says:

    Agent Orange has so little on his mind these days. Repeating his glorious fake victory of last year seems all that he likes to do.

  4. Eric Weiss says:

    “Dear Agent Orange: she plays chess. You still play checkers – badly.”

    Yet he’s POTUS and she’s not….

    Trump was the worst POTUS candidate in history, and she still couldn’t beat him. Maybe she’s not the political genius people seem to think she is.

  5. Steve says:

    Ummm. The obvious fly in the ointment with this game – set – match logic is the checker player is the POTUS & the chess player is trying to convince the world (and herself) that a long list of her questionable actions & decisions before & during the campaign likely cost her the election. We can debate who wins every twitter battle as they come & go but the bottom line is the chess player lost the war. Game – set – match. LOL.

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