06.05.2017 01:27 PM

Somewhere, Kim Campbell’s head just exploded 

That, or Kim was a him.

“Definitely not,” said Trudeau. He later added: “Although I will say, I have one daughter and there is something very special about imagining a woman prime minister. I think it’s long overdue. I just don’t think we have to wait that long. I think it should be sooner than that.”


  1. Tim says:

    I was thinking the same thing when I read the article earlier. Perhaps he means a woman prime minister that comes to power in a more direct manner (eg. via an election where she leads the party that has the most seats as opposed to taking over a resigned position), but he probably just forgot.

  2. Christian Conservative says:

    Justin: “I think it should be sooner than that.”

    “Hey Justin, it’s 1993 calling… they’d like to give you a little bit of an update…”

  3. sean mclaughlin says:

    Calling for a most forgettable PM poll! It’s either her or any one of the short-lived non-Sir John A. Macdonald Tories from 1890s.

  4. Charlie says:

    We pat ourselves on the back for Kim Campbell way too much.

    She was effectively an eleventh hour selectee PM for less than 5 months.

    Lets elect a women PM, I don’t care what party, through a general election and then we can brag about how we’ve broken a glass ceiling.

    Kim Campbell is the single exception to a sustaining legacy of white male Prime Ministers and we treat it as if we made a fundamental change.

    • Eric Weiss says:

      Totally agree. Kim Campbell is easily the most forgettable PM in history, and a complete political footnote.

      • talltexan says:

        KIM CAMPBELL WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR 2 THINGS: Tanking the PC’s from 156 seats to 2 in the House, and that horrid commercial showing Jean Chrétien’s facial paralysis.

        • Matt says:

          Didn’t she also say something to the affect that election campaigns aren’t the time to discuss policy?

    • Howard says:

      We do? I can count on two hands the number of times I have heard or read Kim Campbell mentioned in the past decade.

      It is simply historical fact that Kim Campbell was Canada’s first female PM.

      And Charlie if she had been Liberal I suspect you’d have her photo on your mantle right beside Selfie, her short 5-month stint notwithstanding.

      • Charlie says:

        Jesus fucking Christ, Howard. Settle down.

        Nowhere in my statement did I indicate that I would have a different opinion if she had been a Liberal. In fact, I stated clearly that I’m utterly indifferent to which party the next elected female PM comes from. You just made a completely ill-informed assumption — and you know what they say about assuming.

        Where in my entire comment did I state that Kim Campbell wasn’t the first female PM? That is an indisputable fact that you’ve construed into a point of contention for your own remarkably stupid comment.

        I’m submitting that Canadians are quick to praise themselves for having a female Prime Minister for an extremely short period of time some 20+ years ago, despite never having elected one to a full term through a general election — ever. Provincially we’ve broken that proverbial barrier, but in reality, haven’t succeeded in reaching that milestone federally.

        How incapable are you of communicating with another person about politics without accusing them of partisan biases? Is it so unfathomable that one may have an genuine opinion not based entirely upon political ascription?

  5. P. Brenn says:

    omg..kim Campbell is so arrogant good for Justin for ignoring her….you email her website and they promise to send you a picture ..up there with Joe who

    • Matt says:

      You do know Justin hired Kim Campbell to oversee a special committee looking at how judges are appointed to the federal benches and the Supreme Court not too long ago right?

  6. Miles Lunn says:

    He should have said Canada has never had an elected female PM as although we have had a female PM, Kim Campbell we have yet to have a female win a general election although we have multiple female premiers who have suggesting we are almost certainly ready, especially considering the four largest provinces with over 80% of the population have all elected female premiers and three of them at the moment (BC likely not for much longer) have female premiers.

  7. Jean says:

    Kim Campbell was a caretaker PM and not elected as Party Leader to become PM. Much as I admire her skills in politics, I do not consider her to have become PM in the old-fashioned way. Sorry folks. We aren’t there yet.

  8. billg says:

    “national security stuff”
    “falling into a bad space”
    Our PM’s remarks about Terrorism yesterday.
    The Kim Campbell remark was just the icing.

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