Musings —08.10.2017 09:53 PM
—On that Hamilton cop, er, thing
PCs are angrily telling me there’s no criminal investigation.
Libs are angrily telling me there is. QP Briefing, too.
Here’s the cops’ only statement I’m aware of:
Now, if you can see the words “criminal investigation” anywhere in there, let me know. I don’t see ’em, myself.
And, until someone is prepared to pay my legal bills after I falsely accuse someone of being investigated criminally, I will await a clearer statement from the cops.
Until then, let someone else allege a crime took place!
How about the words “crininal investigation” ? (typo!)
Warren, correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that (aside from fund raising) there are no laws in Canada re. internal party elections at any level for any contest.