Musings —08.14.2017 05:38 AM
—This week’s column: he’d be at Charlottesville, but he’s dead
Hell just got a little more crowded.
Some might consider that inappropriate – about the dead, nothing but good should be said, per the Yiddish proverb – but, when the deceased in question is Ernst Zundel, a distinction needs to be made. Because, when the list of monsters is drawn up one day, Zundel will have achieved true distinction. In Canada, in this era, his evil and malevolence were almost without equal.
Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel was born in Germany in April 1939, and died in Germany in August 2017. As far as we are aware, no one demanded photographic proof of his passing, or forensic evidence of the heart attack that killed him. But they would be entitled to do so.
Zundel, you see, made his name – made a fortune – denying the murders of millions. He achieved worldwide infamy by peddling foul, criminal conspiracy theories about the Holocaust. That was what he sought to do, day after day after interminable day: deny one of the greatest mass-murders in the history of humankind. To whitewash the sins of Hitler, and the other architects of the Holocaust.
He studied graphic art in Germany, then scurried to Canada when he was 19 – tellingly, to avoid conscription by the German army. In Montreal, he laboured in obscurity, acquiring some skills as a retoucher of photographs. Even then, the porcine little man excelled at erasing reality.
Early on, his megalomania and self-delusion were manifesting themselves. In 1968, he actually ran for the Liberal Party leadership – the one that was won by the father of our present Prime Minister. He was against “anti-German” attitudes, he told the few reporters who bothered to listen. Zundel then drifted down the highway to Toronto in 1969, where he started up another undersized commercial art studio.
Like all winged insects, he achieved a taste for the limelight. He got involved with something called Concerned Parents of German Descent, and bleated and brayed about how the media were being mean to Germans. As such, he issued press releases denouncing the acclaimed NBC TV miniseries, Holocaust. He started to get noticed, but for all of the wrong reasons.
Like all cowards, too, Ernst Zundel was leading a double life. One enterprising journalist, Mark Bonokoski, discovered that Zundel was publishing anti-Semitic screeds under the pseudonym Christoph Friedrich. One his pamphlets was The Hitler We Loved And Why.
At that point, others might have withdrawn from public view, or expressed regret, or chosen a different path. Not Ernst Christoph Friedrich Zundel. Not him. Zundel commenced his downward descent into the ooze and the muck of organized hatred. Now unmasked, Zundel became Canada’s top purveyor of lies.
Out of his fortified home at 206 Carlton Street in East end Toronto, Ernst Zundel created Samisdat (meaning, to self-publish). He went on to publish more of his paean to Hitler, as well as Did Six Million Really Die?, and other such filth. In a way, he became “a run-of-the-mill neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier,” Deborah E. Lipstadt, a professor of Holocaust studies at Emory University in Atlanta, told the New York Times.
But that understates Zundel’s significance. In his prime, Ernst Zundel was the most prodigious publisher of Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism on the planet. In his various run-ins with the law, he was permitted – appallingly – to put the Holocaust on trial. And, along the way, too many gullible reporters – and far too many politicians – regarded him as a “free speech” advocate, or a harmless crank. Ignore him, they said, and he’ll go away.
He wouldn’t. He didn’t.
For a while, Canada rid itself of the foul stench that was Ernst Zundel. He slunk out of the country, and relocated to Tennessee, where he married Ingrid Rimland – another Holocaust denier. In 2003, Zundel was arrested for overstaying his visa and deported back to Canada. Two long years later, the Liberal government deported him, too – back to Germany, the place he had fled to avoid military service, almost sixty years before.
His indecent legacy remains. Even now, a group of neo-Nazi Zundel fanatics are publishing a Holocaust-denying leaflet in Toronto’s East end, just like Zundel did. Their publication is called Your Ward News. As with Zundel, gullible reporters – and far too many politicians – are calling the new haters “free speech” advocates, or harmless cranks. Ignore them, they’re saying, and they’ll go away.
They don’t. They won’t.
Their hero may be gone, but their enthusiasm for Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism is not. The hatred may subside, some years, but it never fully goes away.
So: we must never forget. We must never falter. We must never stop fighting the purveyors of hate and lies.
Because Ernst Zundel, from his distant perch in Hell, fears that, most of all.
Well said. That was a good obit, but remind me never to ask you to write mine…
Good riddance.
I hope that many city councils here in the US follow the lead of Jim Gray of Lexington, KY and accelerate plans to remove their Confederate monuments as a result of what happened over the weekend. If this leads to more confrontations, then so be it; law enforcement and, if necessary, the military, will have be better prepared to deal with them this time.
People in this country need to disabused of the notion that the Civil War was fought over “states rights.” This is how Confederate VP Alexander Stephens described the rebellion in March 1861: “Our new government is founded upon… the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.” If you are proud of your Confederate heritage, you are no better than the German who is wistful for Hitler or the Boer who laments the fall of apartheid, and that would be a source of deep and profound shame for anyone with a shred of decency.
If you can believe it, Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Confederate general who later founded the KKK, a terrorist group that has murdered perhaps 4000 American citizens, has a state park named after him in western Tennessee. The general lack of an honest understanding of this country’s history is truly astounding. I’m expecting this to come to a head again next April on “Confederate Memorial Day”, which is an actual holiday that’s observed across much of the South.
The power of social media and a father who calls it like it is ….