Feature, Musings —10.16.2017 08:59 AM
—Column: desperate politicians do desperate things
How desperate is Justin Trudeau to keep NAFTA?
Ask the Mexicans, now peering out from under the proverbial bus – where, you know, Trudeau pushed them.
Pretty desperate.
As they welcomed the Canadian Prime Minister to Mexico City on Thursday – and as they gamely extracted the Canadian-made stainless steel that had slipped between their shoulder blades – the Mexicans likely marveled about this once or twice. “¡Tan encantador! ¡Muy guapo! ¡Tan despiadado!” they must have said, to themselves. Rough translation: “So charming! So handsome! So ruthless!”
It wasn’t always thus. As recently as June, Trudeau was welcoming Enrique Pena Nieto to Ottawa, even bestowing one of those Trudeauesque both-hands-and-almost-a-full-hug things on the beaming Mexican president. (It almost went as far as those vaguely-unsettling, nose-to-nose eye couplings Trudeau also favours – but those mano-a-mano moments are apparently saved for swearings-in of new cabinet ministers at Rideau Hall.)
Still, it was pretty cuddly, back in June. Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland had previously ruled out throwing Mexico under the bus. On the record, no less. Said she: “I’ve always been clear, and the Prime Minister has always been clear, about the importance of our relationship with Mexico.” At the time, that unctuous windbag Brian Mulroney even chimed in, solemnly wheezing: “Throwing friends and neighbours and allies under the bus is a position for a weak leader. This is not the Canadian tradition.”
Resulting CBC headline: “Canada isn’t about to ‘throw Mexico under the bus,’ foreign ministers say.”
Uh-huh. Gotcha.
When he was still getting all grippy with Enrique Pena Nieto in June, Justin Trudeau continued to proclaim the same sort of stuff. “I think it’s important that allies and partners like Mexico and Canada work together to address the challenges we’re facing together,” Trudeau declared, and the Mexicans smiled and nodded a lot.
Well, that was then, and this is now. Belatedly, correctly, Trudeau has concluded that Donald Trump is a monkey with a machine gun – and that, if there has to be a victim supplied at the NAFTA murder scene, well, Enrique c’mon down!
Thus, when Agent Orange was asked if he was open to a U.S.-Canada trade deal – one that excluded Mexicans, who he regards as rapists and killers, anyway – Trump responded: “Oh, sure, absolutely.”
At that moment, of course, Justin Trudeau could have said no way, José. He could have repeated what he had said to Enrique Pena Nieto. He could have declined to nudge one of the “Three Amigos” under the bus. But here’s what he said instead:
After an uncomfortable moment or two, during which Mexico’s government was likely coming up with imaginative new swear words to describe us Canadians, Trudeau was asked about a two-way trade deal. Said he: “I continue to believe in NAFTA…so saying, we are ready for anything, and we will continue to work diligently to protect Canadian interests.”
Translation: “Enjoy the view under the bus, Enrique!”
This Benedict Arnold-style strategy creates three new problems for us, the Snow Mexicans.
One, it mainly helps Trump, not Canada. The American “president” may be a racist, sexist, lying bastard – but he knows a thing or two about negotiations. Decades devoted to doing New York City real estate deals with his Daddy’s money taught him that the best opponent is weakened opponent.
By dispensing with a united Canada-Mexico front, Justin Trudeau has reduced his bargaining power. As Donald Trump knows – and as Trudeau may soon discover – it is always easier to steal the lunch money of one kid. Not two.
If Justin Trudeau doesn’t watch Game of Thrones, he should. Every fan of that shows knows that, when seeking a bargain with a much-more-powerful opponent, you need to form alliances with other less-powerful kingdoms. In Westeros terms, Trudeau has sped up Winter’s arrival.
Two, nudging Mexico under the proverbial bus makes a big, big assumption that almost certainly will be proven wrong: namely, that Donald Trump’s promises are worth they’re printed on. They’re not.
As half his cabinet, all of his wives, most of the Republican Party and all of Puerto Rico can attest, Trump will turn on you in a New York minute. His word is no good. He was elected on a platform to tear up the TPP and NAFTA – and build a xenophobic, inward-looking, protectionist demi-monde. He hasn’t kept any other promise, but he’s kept that one.
Thirdly, finally – and seriously, folks – this makes Canada look bad. It makes us look like we will turn on our allies, even after we repeatedly said we never would.
Desperate people do desperate things. Canada is looking desperate.
And that isn’t a good thing.
The quote from Trudeau on a post-NAFTA trade deal with the US was that he is “ready for anything.” You’ve spun this as though he said that he was “up for anything.” Very big difference between the two.
I do appreciate that the Canadian government has stated, repeatedly, that it doesn’t intend to ignore Mexican interests. That said, the US accounts for over 75% of our exports and Mexico less than 2%.
The front-runner for next year’s election is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a leftist populist, who if elected will not make these negotiations any easier.
Canada and Mexico are not neighbours, we’re not allies, and we don’t have a particularly deep or meaningful relationship on any level. Trudeau appears to be trying to extend a courtesy in these NAFTA negotiations, but it’s quite absurd to sacrifice our own national interests to go down swinging with Mexico if that’s how things go. Hopefully talks will drag on so long that the White House is too distracted by other issues to alter the status quo. That’s a win-win-win scenario that might actually play out.
Maybe he has been advised not contradict someone with NPD when your in front of him.
Trump is going to demand everything but the Canadian contingent’s under garments. Trudeau can’t credibly sell Trump’s one-way NAFTA. So walk the hell away before this becomes a complete sellout to the Americans. As May would say, no Brexit bad deal is as good as no deal. Tell Trump to fuck off.
It is time to kick this schoolyard bully off of the school’s property.
There are 7 + billion people on this planet and Canada should look towards the rest of the world. There are only 325 million in the U.S. and though they might be close – there are planes and ships capable of by-passing them.
Canada said it wouldn’t throw Mexico under the bus and we stick to our word.
Did we say anything about throwing the U.S. under the bus?
(for editor’s eyes only – TYPO in the 10th line up from the bottom. You may have meant to say “…are worth ‘the paper’ they’re printed on.”)
I dunno, I wouldn’t want to be dealing with an unstable and dangerous person like the US President. I am pretty certain I would be trying not to contradict him, to beard him in his own den so to speak. I think you are reading too much into what the Prime Minister did not say, rather than giving credence to what he, and his Foreign Minister have said out loud and repeatedly. The President does NOT keep his promises, that is true, but he is also predictable in the fact that he will explode and cover the world in shit if contradicted and embarrassed publicly. Why volunteer for crazy treatment? What if Trump just ditched NAFTA on the spot? The proof will be in the pudding, and I am afraid we shall be seeing very shortly if Canada actually intends to keep close with Mexico when the chips are down.