03.01.2018 10:53 PM

Another unhappy PC person writes in

Hi Warren,

I thought this might be of interest since news can sometimes hit close to home — and your home includes the Beach (one of the ridings mentioned).

Apparently the rumour is that the successful candidates in these ridings have very close ties to that guy Snover Dhillon who’s been mentioned in newspaper articles.  I have learned lthat the Beaches-Woodbine riding was to have its nomination meeting in June, but it was cancelled on the afternoon of the meeting.  The meeting was rescheduled to September where Sarah Mallo was nominated as the candidate – through an acclamation.

You should also look at this guy: How to Lose an Election (when you’re ahead in the polls) – Part 6

1 Comment

  1. James Smith says:

    Speaking as a sophomoric Grit partisan ™, I don’t think most people see things this way. Granted since Mike the Knife Ontario has not had a PROGRESSIVE Conservative Party as much as my Tory friends would wish it would be. The main difference now is Tories don’t want government doing stuff &Grits think government can do things. For example a tax cut doesn’t put one daycare space in place or one bus on the road, but Tories will claim that it will by some invisible hand thingie. My issue with your comment is that it makes this a Manichaen debate, & further opens the divide, so I wish people would avoid this kind of talk.

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