Seems like many underestimated Trump – he wasn’t even supposed to make the nomination let alone the election. Seems you still underestimate him. The more Trump stokes anti-male sentiments, the more Democrat-progressive-Liberal males go to the wall. Even Mr Sensitive Justin Trudeau is now denounced as a vile groper and demoralized – hence the lack of “get angry!” #StillWithHer and #MeToo is driving males to the right – they have nowhere else to go. Maybe all men are pigs – the pigs still want political representation. Chrystia Freeland types and the coddled 50% female cabinet smell blood: the quicker Trudeau is gone they reason, the quicker they get their shot at moving up the ladder. A real mutiny is brewing. If the Right can depend on a burgeoning male majority base, they only need a modest amount of females. By contrast, Dems-Libs-progressives are trying to maintain a political movement based on male-loathing females. Then, the demographic problem: progressive females reproduce well below replacement fertility. (Godmother Angela Merkel, zero children.) More progressive are dying than are being born.
The goal was never about making a deal on NAFTA. It was to find a way of using Canadians hatred of Trump as a campaign tool for 2019. There is no doubt that this has been the strategy since day 1. Delay as long as possible and then use the anti-Trump sentiment to boost Trudeau’s popularity as the election approaches.
So, the strategy is to plunge Canada into the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression to boost Trudeau’s popularity? This was Hugo Chávez’s strategy. Living off canned beans with a picture of King Trudeau taped to the wall of my shanty seems a rather Pyrrhic victory.
Seems like many underestimated Trump – he wasn’t even supposed to make the nomination let alone the election. Seems you still underestimate him. The more Trump stokes anti-male sentiments, the more Democrat-progressive-Liberal males go to the wall. Even Mr Sensitive Justin Trudeau is now denounced as a vile groper and demoralized – hence the lack of “get angry!” #StillWithHer and #MeToo is driving males to the right – they have nowhere else to go. Maybe all men are pigs – the pigs still want political representation. Chrystia Freeland types and the coddled 50% female cabinet smell blood: the quicker Trudeau is gone they reason, the quicker they get their shot at moving up the ladder. A real mutiny is brewing. If the Right can depend on a burgeoning male majority base, they only need a modest amount of females. By contrast, Dems-Libs-progressives are trying to maintain a political movement based on male-loathing females. Then, the demographic problem: progressive females reproduce well below replacement fertility. (Godmother Angela Merkel, zero children.) More progressive are dying than are being born.
I think you underestimate Trudeau – and his team.
The goal was never about making a deal on NAFTA. It was to find a way of using Canadians hatred of Trump as a campaign tool for 2019. There is no doubt that this has been the strategy since day 1. Delay as long as possible and then use the anti-Trump sentiment to boost Trudeau’s popularity as the election approaches.
So, the strategy is to plunge Canada into the worst economic contraction since the Great Depression to boost Trudeau’s popularity? This was Hugo Chávez’s strategy. Living off canned beans with a picture of King Trudeau taped to the wall of my shanty seems a rather Pyrrhic victory.