06.22.2018 06:58 AM

Doug Ford makes a smart pick

Our friend Jenni Byrne is heading to Premier Ford’s office, in a big role. Smart pick.

Ontario Premier-designate Doug Ford has tapped a senior staffer from Stephen Harper’s government to be one of his top advisors, say sources closely linked to the Progressive Conservatives.

Jenni Byrne will be Ford’s principal secretary, according to four sources who spoke with iPolitics on condition of anonymity.Byrne did not reply to a request for comment and neither did the party.

The job of principal secretary was dragged out of obscurity by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he appointed his advisor Gerald Butts to the job in 2015. One source said Byrne’s principal secretary role will be “substantive,” with staff reporting to her at the premier’s office.

Of the staff appointments that iPolitics has been told about, Byrne has the most extensive experience working in government. Her year’s on the federal scene are viewed by several sources as having a steadying force on the mostly rookie government. Ford’s chief of staff Dean French is a close ally to the premier-designate but hasn’t played a prominent role in political circles since the 1990s.


  1. Steven Barry says:

    That is a good pick.

  2. Charlie says:

    Oh, so we’ve all collectively forgiven Jenni “Barbaric Cultural Practices Tip-line” Byrne?


    Looking forward to seeing the box full of dog-whistles she’ll be bringing to the Ford operation.

    • Warren says:

      She was against that, “Charlie.” It’s all there on Google. Do some research before smearing someone.

      • Charlie says:

        Just Googled it: http://warrenkinsella.com/2016/02/i-love-the-smell-of-political-revisionism-in-the-morning/

        Did I miss an after-the-fact mea culpa from Jenni on this specific issue, because I can only seem to find more damning articles and opinions on her role during that campaign and the decisions that were made in her purview.

        You teach comms for a living; you know the difference between a smear and criticism. My criticism is based on her documented role in a campaign that produced some of the worst dog-whistling we’ve seen in Canadian politics.

        Like Warren Kinsella circa. 2016, I too am not a fan of revisionism.

        • Greg says:

          The link is broken. Was it taken down?

          • Adam says:

            When in doubt, delete it and pretend it didn’t happen. These are not the droids we’re looking for; move along, move along. And pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

  3. Warren,

    There’s nothing quite like a fresh start. That’s almost as good as a do-over. You know, a lot of people in Ottawa would kill to have either opportunity.

  4. Fred from BC says:

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if Ford could offer Sandra Pupatello some kind of a position? Not sure if she’d accept, but still…

  5. Matt says:

    Interesting to note Ontario doctors who have been without a contract for 4 years have cancelled arbitration hearings scheduled for early July and have agreed to return to the bargaining table after the premier designate quietly extended an “olive branch” to them last week.


  6. Louis says:

    Nazi Punks Fuck off!

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