06.17.2018 05:02 AM

The enduring image of father’s day 2018


  1. Robert White says:

    Only full blown text-book Psychopaths would deliberately harm children. Trump is a disgusting sub-human worthy of the harshest condemnation imaginable.

    Trump is NOT welcome in CANADA, and neither are his cronies. It’s time to take the boots to his administration!


  2. Peter says:

    This kind of appeal may persuade folks who despise Trump that they despise him even more, but I doubt it will do much more. It’s well known Trump didn’t start this and also that adults who are put in prison are generally separated from their kids. If the Dems don’t finally come clean about how they propose to enforce immigration laws and stop treating each and every illegal immigrant as a human tragedy any decent person would let in, they’re going to be in trouble. All you have to do is take a look at what is happening in Europe in election after election to see that.

  3. Ted H says:

    Total support for his cruelty by the Evangelical Christians, “God put him there you know”.

  4. Fred from BC says:

    “This kind of appeal may persuade folks who despise Trump that they despise him even more, ”

    Definitely. And I bet the person who took these pictures to exploit this sad situation *for political gain* is really, really proud of themselves, too.

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