Oh dear. Now you’ve done it, and you’ve been warned. No choice now but to close up shop and take up needlepoint or something. Don’t be a stranger, ‘kay?
Can I be one of your “idiot hyena friends” please. Oh and congratulations on being a “public figure”, you must be proud.
Before I forget too, you have been ‘warned’, and so you have been commanded. One last thing-keep up the great work, you never disappoint! Oh and ‘asslicking 777@gmail.com‘, or sorry it’s ‘aslankucking’, whoops I mean ‘assspanking’, keep up your twatting, or sorry, tweeting too.
I guess she doesn’t like you having the right to block trolls.
Hmm, it’s almost as if things you post on Facebook and Twitter are in the public domain and can be referenced by other people…
At least you aren’t a sycophant. Too many annoying clueless, spineless sycophants in politics – and that’s non-partisan
Oh dear. Now you’ve done it, and you’ve been warned. No choice now but to close up shop and take up needlepoint or something. Don’t be a stranger, ‘kay?
May I live in your basement for a while?
Can I be one of your “idiot hyena friends” please. Oh and congratulations on being a “public figure”, you must be proud.
Before I forget too, you have been ‘warned’, and so you have been commanded. One last thing-keep up the great work, you never disappoint! Oh and ‘asslicking 777@gmail.com‘, or sorry it’s ‘aslankucking’, whoops I mean ‘assspanking’, keep up your twatting, or sorry, tweeting too.
She’s my new pen pal! We’re besties!
Always welcome. Fair warning: everyone helps with the chores.
And yet some people still ask me why I’m not on Twitter . . . or Facebook.