02.06.2019 06:34 PM

RIP, Paul Dewar

A great Parliamentarian, and a great Ottawan.  He will be missed.

(And his final statement, here.)


  1. Jack says:

    The foremost exemplary parliamentarian in Canadian history.

    I had the fortune/pleasure of meeting Paul once years back. I’ve been around a lot of politicians for a very long time, and none of them ever exhibited as much sincerity as Paul did. Not even an iota of disregard for people he spoke with, regardless of their age.

    He was my favourite MP for a very long simply because he was there for the right reasons. He stood strongly to his core principles and values with remarkable humility and kindness.

    His defeat in 2015 was a loss for federal politics, but his unjust passing is a profound loss for Canadians.


    Fuck cancer.

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    If more people were like him in politics, this would truly be a great country.

  3. Dork in East York says:

    I recall asking my Liberal Hill friend 10 years ago who his favourite non-Grit MP was, and he said it was easily Dewar.

    My thoughts are with his family and his teenage sons.

  4. Jamie says:

    I remember when I was a student in Ottawa and he came to my door canvassing – when I told him I’d be voting in Toronto he still stuck around and talked to me about issues that would affect my decision for what must have been about 15 minutes. After he left I thought to myself ‘that guy gets it’.

    A great Public Servant, but more importantly, a great person. This is a tremendous loss for Canada.

  5. Robert White says:

    Paul Dewar’s life & death is like a societal mirror held up to reflect all the work I have to do to achieve one tenth of the compassion and empathy for community that Mr. Dewar life & death signify for me. Mayor Dewar was highly compassionate too which makes me wonder how it is possible that I have so much work to do to achieve any sort of level of compassion that could possibly parallel the contributions of the Dewar family historically.

    I am simply not in the same league as someone like Paul Dewar. And that is unfortunate IMO.


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