03.06.2019 03:33 PM

A #LavScam moment to remember: these people are disgusting

Footage here.


  1. Joseph says:

    Hearing Edward Prutcshi (sp?) on CTV.

    He made a point about the DPA legislation and who wrote it.
    It wasn’t new to the PMO and it has the appearance that it was written explicitly for SNC

  2. Chris says:

    Two people can have vastly different perspectives on the same conversation.

    I thought Justin Trudeau, in his 2015 Election Campaign, was going to do politics differently, was all about sunny ways and respecting diversity and the equality of women, was going to lead the nation in reconciliation with Canada’s First Nations, and was going to lead the most open government ever.

    Justin Trudeau thought that these were platitudes designed to get him elected.

  3. the salamander says:

    .. pardon me.. but what ?

    .. strange coincidence but
    the CAPTCHA code was DSM5

  4. Sean says:

    The chair looks about as balanced as a psycho locked up in a sanatorium during a full moon.

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