Feature, Musings —03.04.2019 03:25 PM
—Jane Philpott: you are so, so amazing
I fundraised for her, before she was elected. I have remained friends with her since.
And I am so, so proud of her today.
“I have lost confidence in how the government has dealt with this matter.”
This government is falling apart before our eyes.
This is no surprise.
Listening to Evan Solomon yesterday I realized how out of touch the current Liberal Party is regarding Canadian values.
On that gig was Christy Clark who I think is the face of the current Liberal mindset. She fully supported JT and his handling of SNC. Why? It is normal business in gov’t.! Wow, I thought. How out of touch indeed.
But, how can JP still call herself a Liberal? The rot is throughout the entire party. This way of doing gov’t is normal in Ottawa by gov’ts of both strips today.
Where is JP going to find a principled party IS the elephant in the room!
Christy Clark’s government presided over an explosion of money laundering, organized crime, drug dealing, foreign influence-peddling, kickbacks and general graft in BC. She’s not exactly the ideal person to wheel out to defend PMJT against corruption allegations.
Some predictions:
(1) Trudeau won’t be leading the Liberals into the Fall election. Will be replaced by Chrystia Freeland.
(2) Jody Wilson-Reybould will eventually jump to the B.C. NDP, where she will serve as Attorney General. (She’s on good terms with Premier John Horgan.)
(3) Down the road, Ms. Wilson Reybould’s future jobs could include B.C. Premier or a position on the Supreme Court of Canada.
Sounds very plausible. Do you think this SNC fiasco will receive the full attention of the RCMP?
With respect, I think JWR eventually wants the big job in Ottawa. Her odds get better and better with each passing day.
So refreshing to see good people of integrity in action….especially when it possibly comes with a personal cost.
Freeland had her chance, even after Philpott came out quickly to support her cabinet colleague JWR. Instead, she went with “Jody shared ‘her’ truth”. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Chrystia. Nor the spineless male cabinet ministers. So much for cabinet solidarity boys.
The first domino to fall.
Watch for at least two more to fight it out at the cabinet table.
Jane Philpott wasn’t a team player, didn’t “get it”, couldn’t handle the stress, didn’t know that lobbying was part of government, didn’t speak French, she’s playing the victim card and her father is pulling the strings.
Also John McCallum. Maybe even Dion.
All Harper’s Fault!
I am an aerospace design engineer and worked on Bombardier C Series program as well as many others in my 30 + years in aerospace. That company has staffed engineering offices in Montreal with low paid engineers from India (nice guys who are only looking for work like everyone), however, management has told senior guys like me that we are overpaid. Indian suppliers are taking up to 1/3 the staff places and that is not counting the work sent overnight to colleagues in India. Bombardier employees are actually training them. Myself included. So when I hear subsidies are required to ´save canadian jobs’ I feel sick knowing that subsidies or not, work is leaving the country. Airbus got the c series after 10 years of work and a rolling roster of CEÔs etc who flew the coop with golden parachutes. SNC is very similar regarding outsourcing.
You mean they don’t actually eat their own cooking in the C-Suite?
I’m shocked.
As a former boss would say about offshore software workers – “Half the cost and a third of the quality”.
The resignation letter is particularly damning. How coukd the Liberals possibly recover from this? Rona Ambrose is probably having some second thoughts.
Actually laughing out loud watching Amanda Alvaro on the CBC trying to stick some lipstick on this.
Warren, we’re up to 4 cabinet ministers gone in just over a month (MacCallum, Brison, JWR and Philpott). Do we need to start keep tally about departures too?
Lost confidence or leaving before cabinet votes on something or hears/sees something that puts her (and the rest) in legal jeopardy?
This and other scandals aren’t finished yet.
The Laurentian elite has just begun to fight for what it thinks is its birthright. The rest of Canada is too simple-minded to see the bigger picture. You can cut the haughtiness with a knife.
(I’m reminded of a scene from “The Good Shepherd”:
Joseph Palmi (Italian American senator) : Let me ask you something… we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland, Jews their tradition; even the ni$$ers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?
Edward Wilson (WASP spook) : The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.)
Trump thinks things are still that way.
President Trump is and has been pushing against it. He’s from Queens- not Manhattan. And it is what is at the root of Brexit and other anti-establishment nationalist movements
“it’s just a scratch”
Black Night
This is the story about folks who don’t speak French (well) -> And correspondingly don’t care about Quebec. About a media that is down playing Philpott (look at the CBC home page; Luke Perry isn’t even Canadian!) it is a story About folks who were demoted from top posts (healthcare and justice) to take on “demeaning” posts (veterans affairs and DIAND); Dr. Jane Phillpott was not happy about the demotion from ministry of health and turned to JWR for help. Friends stick together; Markham Stouffville is going Tory so There is a growing upside in defecting given a projected Liberal minority government at best. Don’t tell me this would happening if Trudeau was executionally competent. For historians, learn the limitations of your civil service and under promise. OR gamble knowing you have an outside chance and then don’t hire your college best friend to advise you, man. Anyway, John Turner proved it best, the LPC will be in the wilderness for a very long while if Trudeau does not sort out this insobordination. Scheer will implode, he is a nothing burger with no new ideas and the CPC won’t let him outside of the Ottawa valley apparently.
Even dogs eventually have their day.
Preston ‘Refoooooorm’ Manning?
Bob ‘Fumble’ Stanfield?
Mike ‘Harvard’ Ignatieff?
Stephan Dion
These dogs were put out to pasture, so no Ron; not all dogs have their Stockwell Day. Unless, the pendulum swings further left. I mean a coalition Lob/NDP is always on the table.
My bet is Scheer is a place holder
Can someone explain to me what Philpott means when she says ‘solidarity with other cabinet ministers’? She’s can’t be talking about JWR as that doesn’t make sense chronologically.And no resignation letter in French? I guess it would have fallen on deaf h’ears. Just saying.
She means that she has to support what the Cabinet and its leader are doing. She has no confidence in Trudeau. So she cannot in good conscience stay in Cabinet and support him with the other bobbleheads.
She was about to lose her seat anyway.
Well, anyone want to bet that Mark Carney will be the next Liberal leader if he can vacate London before Oct?
If libs pick a hotshot like that when the likes of Philpott and JWR are front and centre, they deserve to lose.
Mark Carney is not a politician! His French is terrible. He’s got Pearson’s personality which doesn’t play well on the ol’ tele. Anyway, we know that GDP growth is down to 0.1%,we all can see from reports in Alberta. We need the oil price up before the Fall which is hard to project/predict as isallthings human. Another harsh truth; Canada is a resource based economy; human capital migrates south where possible. GreenTech is happening is San Franscico. That’s what the data says at StatsCan.
And it’s still ridiculous to read folks believe that politicians ought to be good people who seek to compromise etc. No, effective politicians are cunning like Chrétien; the man who faked appendicitis to skip out of an exam in law school. If anything Trudeau needs to work on his weaselling.