Recharge. Reset. Relax. But come back with fire in the belly. Canada needs you. Bad guys get elected when good guys sit on their hands. Justin’s counting on you to hit the craft beer hard and BBQ hard. Do so. But pick up the sword come late August. There’s much work to do. Cheers
I never post on Twitter but by the looks of it, so many people are damned near addicted — posting from sun up to sun down, and beyond.
In the interim, peace and inner contentment. And thanks for your superb work!
Recharge. Reset. Relax. But come back with fire in the belly. Canada needs you. Bad guys get elected when good guys sit on their hands. Justin’s counting on you to hit the craft beer hard and BBQ hard. Do so. But pick up the sword come late August. There’s much work to do. Cheers