Musings —08.14.2019 09:55 AM
—Adam Vaughan Watch: Adam lies. Again.
Adam, this simply appalling. This is not a photo of children anywhere in Canada. You know that. You need to make that clear. #cdnpoli #lpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 13, 2019
@JIMrichards1010 on @NEWSTALK1010 eviscerates @TOAdamVaughan for spreading bullshit on social media. Listen to all of it. #cdnpoli #lpc #cpc #ndp
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 14, 2019
Sadly, much of the Libs campaign will be of this ilk. Misinformation and fear-mongering about things the Conservatives will never actually do.
And yet they do it because there is a segment of the population who will believe this tripe, and vote Liberal because of it.
Worked out great for Martin in 2006.
Warren, for once I disagree with y0u.
This isn’t “simply” appalling.
It’s FUCKING appalling.
When an MP spreads misinformation like this, they need to go. Not in October, right now.
He’s been off his rocker the last few weeks, even more so than usual.
Unfortunately he’s a shoe-in to get re-elected.
That sux.
What is really sad is the piss poor level of political engagement that the vast majority of our fellow citizens have. Witness the lousy percentage who bother to vote.
Alas we get what we deserve. Circus clowns. It makes me sad. When I lived in Calgary in the 80s and 90s you could join the conga line and vote for the Tory trained seal…there wasn’t much choice on that side of the house either.
I use to work with circus clowns. In fact one of our children studies circus arts. It is an ancient and honourable craft that is often unfairly compared to politics.
Do you really think clown extraordinaire Bello Nock could drive a motorcycle over a high-wire while sporting an eight-inch pompadour if he lacked the professionalism to check facts and prepare extensively before appearing in public?
“I used to work with circus clowns. In fact one of our children studies circus arts. It is an ancient and honourable craft that is often unfairly compared to politics. ”
Okay, that was funny…:)
When Jack Layton died a chalk memorial started at City Hall, a City reporter asked Vaughan what he thought of the turn out and without hesitation he said “do these look like people that want to close libraries?”, wasn’t the question douchebag, has to politicize everything.