Musings —10.27.2019 09:16 AM
—About Michael Coteau
We’ve been friends for a long time, and I think he can be Premier one day. (I also think only a total fool would count out Doug Ford, too, but that’s a post for another day.)
Why Coteau?
• he isn’t associated with any of the Wynne government scandals
• he’s smart, principled and from a new generation of political leaders
• he was one of the few who got himself re-elected despite the massive Ford win in 2018
• he hasn’t surrounded himself with Wynne-era backroomers
• he isn’t the prisoner of special interests
• he doesn’t just oppose for the sake of opposing – he’s got plenty of ideas
The PCs I know take Coteau seriously.
His opponents, they don’t.
His problem is Trudeau’s smearer in chief of JWR, Sheila Copps publicly supports him. That’s the kiss of death for many.
We don’t know him. When are they going to introduce him to us, and how?