11.15.2019 10:21 AM

Trudeau 2.0


  1. Of course, only end results will call the tune. Trudeau is seemingly more flexible in some meetings while holding the line in others. Time will tell.

  2. Nick M. says:

    These meeting photo ops are bad as the other guest has the Mic after the meeting and commands sound bites in the news cycle.

    Scott Moe complaining the Trudeau is the same old. How farmers are incurring higher than expected energy costs from a wet harvest, and the PM is heartless.

    Or the BQ sounding like the missing link to help the Federal Minority government govern like it has a majority mandate and then bickering with Jason Kenney.

    So we have bickering between provincial interests dominating the sound bites.

    Andrew Scheer stepping in to defend Western Canada was dumb. Has Andrew dumped his campaign team yet? He should act like a neutral statesman when regional interests bicker.

    • Nick,

      He simply can’t do that because of his psychological makeup and repeated conditioning. He’s the West All In, All Of The Time and nothing can change that.

      Electorally, he’s demographics Box Office Poison in Central and Eastern Canada — and nothing he pretends to say or do will ever alter that.

      That’s why the CPC needs Rona and they need her yesterday, otherwise it’s another Trudeau re-election in the next round.

  3. JIM Johnson says:

    My feeling is that Trudeau and the Bloc will be in bed together and that will be scary to all Canadians especially out west.

  4. lyn says:

    When Trudeau is quiet it is not good he and Butts are up to something. I just don’t trust Trudeau anymore he is a perpetual liar. Why shouldn’t Scheer step in and defend the West, he needs to let the West know he has their back. Go Scheer Go!!!

    • Nick M. says:

      Scheer isn’t wrong with what he said.

      It is that it doesn’t help with the bigoted attitudes in the east.

      We tried to win the hearts and minds of the East. Instead they voted on a government determined to frustrate economic growth in the west.

      Scheer choosing a regional position over the interests of Quebec’s equalization monies is not good for someone trying to govern nationally, when Eastern Canada represents the majority of voters.

      Picking a fight with the west on the other hand will achieve political victory.

  5. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    It’s a prime minister’s job to balance the interests and well being of all his or her constituents. We haven’t seen that in a long, long, time. Trudeau can’t do it effectively. Harper didn’t and forget Scheer.

    Alberta is never always right or wrong. Ditto for Quebec or Ontario. This is a very difficult country to govern effectively and fairly. Will it ever happen again in my lifetime? I doubt it.

    • Mike says:

      The country is just fine. It’s the shit disturbing politicians causing the problems by inflaming their weak minded constituents.

  6. Joseph says:

    But the media, official Ottawa, and MTV* talking heads have not.

    (*Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver)

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