Musings —12.12.2019 12:36 PM
—Highly-scientific poll™️: who should be the next Tory leader?
Who should the #CPC pick?
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) December 12, 2019
Musings —12.12.2019 12:36 PM
—Who should the #CPC pick?
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) December 12, 2019
Ben Mulroney was explaining how to deep fry chocolate bars this morning, He’d definitely give JT a run for his money.
Wait, hold the phone, you can deep fry chocolate bars? Oh now I want to taste that!
yeah, it was on the CTV breakfast show… awesome. Way more substance than hosting an all female HOC model parliament.
The Mulroney plan is not for Ben’s long game.
Rona is the best of that list. Unsure if she is cunning enough to defeat the Evil Empire. Could be possible with a skilled chief of staff and campaign lead. The Liberals will weaponize her Alberta roots and conjure connections to the oil and gas industry.
Rona would be very good optics in contrast to JT. A female Tory leader up against a Liberal leader who claimed to be a feminist while screwing over multiple women in his caucus.
She also had Red Tory cred, which would help in Ontario. She doesn’t have Scheer’s socon baggage.
O’Toole’s biggest asset is his deep Ontario political roots.
MacKay has always struck me as a bit of a shallow empty suit. I’ve never been impressed, though I have nothing against the guy.
Logic says Rona in a heart beat.
I guess the real question is “Who does SH want to be the figurehead?”
I would argue that the more leaders you put between Harper and an actual CPC leader, the less strings can be pulled. In any event, I don’t think Harper is the kind of guy who would try to pull off that sort of thing. He knows his time is done and IMHO, he will let the next leader be after the vote.
Put another way, we won’t see Harper running.
It’s a canard to say Trudeau isn’t a feminist. He would have dumped those two even if they were men. I find the mere insinuation that it had anything to do with their sex to be chauvinistic.
Mike: B.S. – if they were wealthy, elderly, white men he obviously would have done whatever they said and would have STFU.
Yeah. Whatever you say.
Trudeau is the most sexist PM since that guy in the 1970’s who beat his wife. Using women just for appearance, but not giving them important roles and not listening to them is the definition of sexist.
Face it. You three are the sexists. You look at parliament and you see men and women. I see parliamentarians. Trudeau has you deranged. Lol.
This one is pretty weak.
I disagree, I think Peter McKay would be a better choice or someone not on this list would be the best choice, Michael Chan.
Chong is too progressive for the CPC, as much as I admire him.
Is there a category for “none of the above”? As I have stated on this page previously, they need a leader from Quebec to win.
Van Loan mentioned Deltell but that would disrupt the eventual Mulroney move.
I think Peter MacKay has the right alpha-male vibe that would attract voters. The 2015 election would likely have been different if Harper had stepped aside and let MacKay lead. The Conservatives did quite well in Cape Breton in October and McKay would likely win those two seats, plus take back the other traditional Tory seats in Nova Scotia. He would also likely do well in Ontario.
If it is decided that “it’s time” for a woman, I think Lisa Raitt would be best. If they have the same leadership rules that allowed a non-entity like Andrew Scheer to win on the 11th ballot, who knows what will happen.
Optics of running for leader after your constituents just dumped you: not good.
What – no ghost of Agnes McPhail?
She’d win, easy.
John Baird? That would totally blunt the Liberals’ arguments that the CPC is anti-LGBTQ.
Bernard Lord? Youngish, from the east, fluently bilingual.
Baird: no for one reason. Lord: no for quite another.
What reasons are those? Baird’s lobbying for KSA is a deal-breaker for me but I’ve never heard anything negative about Lord.
Liberals would be happy with any one of them. That’s one sad lineup.
Liberals aren’t that stupid.
Where is the option for “me”.
Anyone but Elmers boy Petey
Pulease not Elmer’s boy Petey McKay. Also If you need to be from Quebec to win maybe it is time to break this county apart. I don’t think we are all too stupid to refuse to elect a non-Québécois.
Both Ambrose and MacKay have big negative – although they both seemed to be admired by Liberal media.
While Trudeau was (illegally) on the Aga Khan island, Ambrose was on a millionaires yacht and that took away a lot of teeth from the Trudeau attacks.
Ambrose was noble enough to work on the NAFTA file, but she stood by while Trudeau and Freeland continually criticized Trump – instead of calling it out. Even during the election when CPC tried to argue that the Liberal negotiating strategy (of walking away from the table, allowing Mexico to make the deal, and then just following along) was poor, and Ambrose jumped in to defend Trudeau and the Liberals.
As for MacKay, his bailing on the CPC in 2015 definitely hurt Harper’s chances of re-election. that was back in the day that we thought there was no chance of Canadians being stupid enough to vote for a Trudeau. Then during the 2019 campaign, MacKay came out criticizing Scheer.
I believe both MacKay and Ambrose had the same thinking. They sat out the 2017 leadership race because they figured that Trudeau would win at least 2 elections. Then in 2019, when Trudeau looked beatable, they worried that Scheer would become PM, and stay there for multiple terms. They decided to sabotage Scheer in hopes that they could take over and run against a beatable Trudeau in the next election (which due to the luck of being a minority government, could be sooner than 2023).
I’m not sure being right when the Conservative Party leadership was wrong will be considered a bad thing in the leadership campaign.
I don’t know about you but anyone who stays silent when Trump is criticized is aces in my book.
I think that stuff about Rona and NAFTA is pretty inside baseball. Wouldn’t make much difference in a leadership race. A lot of members want a winner, somebody who comes off as smart, capable, well-briefed and together who can go toe-to-toe against JT. Rona looks pretty good there.
Scheer had that deer in the headlights look to him way too often. Rona is pretty cool and collected by comparison. Same with O’Toole.
O’Toole. He takes notes on pen and paper and asks very good questions (He’s also a amazingly good listener). He’s been working hard on his Facebook posts (videos) which are well produced and are effective (far beyond what I’ve seen any other CPC person do other than Michelle Rempel Facebook live feeds which I really cannot connect to)
Jean. Charest.
If Red was still alive, he might think that JC could still make it happen in Quebec. Me, not so much.
No Red Tories, please. The creation of the Reform Party (and now the People’s Party) shows what happens when the Conservatives become indistinguishable from Liberals. Pick someone who has at least a few conservative principles.
I will die a Red Tory. And yes indeed, I did in fact have some Conservative principles– just not sufficiently enough in quantity for non-Red Tories in the same party…
Limited prioritized government;
Balanced budgets;
Reasonable but limited personal taxation;
Development of Natural Resources in as eco-friendly manner as technology will permit.
“I will die a Red Tory.”
I know, Ron…but I can’t help liking you anyway…:)
I like Pierre Poilievre and Gerard Deltell. They can win.
I like Pierre Poilievre as well.
I’ll third the recommendation for Poilievre. He is a great orator just as Brian Mulroney was a great orator.
Poilievre never had a job outside of being in government and was Harper’s loyal attack dog. He is never going to appeal to people outside of the conservative circle. Do you want a future PM? Then don’t pick one of the smarmiest guys from your party.
Totally agree.
People often evolve for the better. If he’s proven himself to the party and membership, he deserves as decent a shot as anyone else. (And yes, this actually came from yours truly.)
Mark Carney
In a new job.
Vice-Admiral (Ret’d) Mark Norman
No experience.
Actually, the guy I would love to see run is Chris Jericho.