12.28.2019 02:02 PM

Theresa Sheridan

I am so sad to learn of the passing of one of my greatest friends at Bishop Carroll High School and beyond, Theresa Sheridan. We lost her on Christmas Day after a long struggle with diabetes.

Theresa was part of our drama/music gang, and she was extraordinarily talented – and always unfailingly kind to everyone. Over the years, she supported me through the loss of my Dad, separation, and life’s challenges.

I am just gutted that she is gone. I can’t believe a heart that big could just stop beating.


  1. Ryan Spinney says:

    My condolences

  2. Lee Hill says:

    Just read this on New Year’s Day. I remember Theresa well from our days at Bishop Carroll. Kind, easy to talk to, hardworking and funny…qualities that weren’t in huge supply among nervy teenagers desperately jostling for their moment in the spotlight.

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