02.25.2020 10:06 AM

We get letters: a new pen pal!

‪This nice fellow objects to me objecting to anyone getting killed. ‬


  1. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    Does this mean you’ll have to disinvite him from your upcoming birthday party? Too bad, eh?

  2. Pipes says:

    Just another pee stained coward in a wife beaters shirt livin large in his drunken mother’s basemement.

    I’ll pray for him/her…..

  3. Max says:

    “Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” And you can judge the character of a person more so by their enemies than (fair weather) friends. As you were WK.

  4. Chris Sigvaldason says:

    “Spark a Global Conversation.”
    from Twitter Inc. homepage

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