, 12.01.2020 08:48 AM

Twenty years of www.warrenkinsella.com

Twenty years!

I don’t know exactly the day, because I didn’t bother to write it down. And the Wayback Machine website isn’t all that precise.

But it does indeed seem to be true: www.warrenkinsella.com is 20 years old. For a web site – not a blog! – that seems like a long time.

We’ve been through a lot together, me and this little web site. The birth of Son Three (Daughter and Sons One and Two predated it). The death of my Dad. Two marriage break-ups. Deaths of dear friends and people I admire.

Started Daisy Group – which was terrifying and rewarding all at once – and built a multi-million-dollar company that has employed dozens of amazing young people, who all went on to do great things. Became an adjunct professor at my alma mater, the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Law. Gave speeches, sang for my supper.

A few books: Kicking Ass In Canadian Politics, Fury’s Hour, The War Room, Fight The Right, the X series books: Recipe For Hate, New Dark Ages, Age Of Unreason. (I like Fury’s Hour and New Dark Ages the best.)

Four SFH albums and two singles, two Hot Nasties EPs. Lots of videos. Tons of shows. Best ones: opening for the Palma Violets in Toronto (and playing with them in L.A.), plus serving as Frankie Venom’s backing band in Hamilton for his last-ever show.

A third Chretien majority. Three McGuinty majorities. Big Joe Biden win (in which I played a minuscule role) and a big John Tory win (in which I played a bit-larger role). Losses of which I remain deeply proud, because I backed the better candidate (Hillary Clinton, Sandra Pupatello).

A pandemic, a global economic collapse, recessions, other stuff like that.  (Won a hundred bucks in the lottery, though.  There’s that.)

Oh, and as many as six million visitors a year to this wee web site. And not one penny paid for the many (actual or threatened) law suits. Not one cent.  Got a few threats of violence and death, along the way, too. Whatever.

I’ve written stuff I’m proud of, stuff that makes me wince. I’ve made predictions that were right (Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris as his VP pick, his precise electoral college win) and some that were comically wrong (provincial elections in BC and Ontario). I’ve written things that perhaps made you laugh, made you cry, made you get off your ass and do something. Hopefully.

Over the years, it’s been made clear to me – many times – that I could have made a lot more money by kissing ass on this web site. Could’ve been invited to more state dinners and all that. By saying nothing about, for instance, a Liberal leader who wore racist blackface and obstructed justice. But I just can’t. I won’t.

It’s not me. I’m an old bastard, I guess, but I’ve got a 16-year-old punk inside my chest, still, swinging fists and yelling at the racists and the liars. Spitting, dancing, raging.

Twenty years! It hasn’t ever been very profound, as I like to say, but it’s been all me.

Thanks for reading it.



  1. Craig Cantin says:

    I’ve been catching up on your musings on this website pretty much every day since Day 1.

    Thank you for sharing this piece of you with us, Warren. I very much appreciate your insights, and how you take what life throws at your and use it to help others.

  2. PJH says:

    Congratulations on the twentieth anniversary of your august forum, Mr Kinsella…I have been a viewer and occasional commenter for at least 11 of those years, and I have always found your site informative, insightful, fair, and entertaining. Indeed, my first reaction to a political story usually is: What does Mr. K think about this? I look forward to the next twenty years. PS I await a congratulatory note from Bob Rae on the success of your blo…ahem, website…..

  3. Derek Pearce says:

    Congrats WK. It’s been entertaining and informative to check in a few times a week for the past years.

  4. Richard L says:

    Warren, congrats! As a bit of a political junkie, I’ve been following your writings since nearly the start. While I’ve sometimes agreed and sometimes disagreed with your takes on things, I’ve always admired your steadfast opposition to those who would peddle hate in our communities. I look forward to the next 20!

  5. the real Sean says:

    Congrats on 20 years hosting the best politics website in Canada. Been a fan since early 2000’s when I read KAICP. Only here will you get:

    – an insider’s peek at what’s really going on
    – establishment experience mixed with contrarian muck raking
    – a host who can take a punch but throws em’ twice as hard
    – healthy introspection
    -punk rock stuff …although personally I’ll never be hip enough for that

  6. Warren,

    Heartiest congrats! When I first came here, comments weren’t even yet an option. But I stayed precisely because you ARE a no BS, principled, not so old bastard.

    This is the best Canadian political website bar none and why, you may ask? Because the host calls ’em like he sees ’em, has no time for spin and most importantly, calls a spade a spade. When they’re literally quaking in their boots, or even better, shitting their pants, readers know that Kinsella has had a good day. Bravo.

    P.S. And if the ever obedient political class don’t like what’s put on here, well Fuck ‘Em!

  7. Robert White says:

    Nifty biography, Warren. Did not know that you backed up Frankie Venom for his last gig. Just like I said last week I learn something new about you every week. And if I had anywhere near your accomplishments I would be dead from exhaustion IMHO. You are an excellent teacher too.

    P.S. I just sold my last Slingerland Radio King so now I’m thinking I need a whole new kit now. because life is not the same without instruments kicking around.

    Cheers on the twenty year mark, Warren.


  8. Gord says:

    Congratulations on twenty years.

    This is usually one of the stops on my daily blog / news check.

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