04.24.2021 10:15 AM

Well, at least it’s sunny

The connector to the coil on my ‘74 Super Beetle comes loose when the engine starts. The engine won’t start when the connector isn’t connected.

This is a metaphor for my life.


  1. Jim Hunchuk says:

    I’m a tit.

    My name is Jim Hunchuk, and I approved this message.

  2. joe long says:

    What happened? Did you take it to Justin Trudeau’s auto repair? 🙂

  3. Pipes says:

    Lucky it wasn’t your fuckulator, because defuckulators are on back order becasue of COVID.

  4. Andy Kaut says:

    Now, when you say connector, do you mean the main wire, or the relay wire, or…?

    The greatest thing about old cars is the ability to fix them roadside. Pick the 4 weakest parts (that will fit in a toolbox) and keep the tools to change them with you at all times.

    My 1980 LTD (351 Windsor OOF) blew her fuel pump at a stop light, I hit the 4-ways, caught a cab to Canadian Tire, bought the part, came back and she was still there. Fixed it in traffic and drove it home.

    I wish all of my automotive stories ended this well.

  5. davidRay says:

    The leather jacket if for riding bikes. Big bikes.
    When driving a super beetle of such vintage one wears tie die. Tres gauche otherwise 🙂

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