Musings —08.15.2021 12:14 PM
—My take on Day One in tweets
He talks to people like they’re children. #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Many minutes in. Still no explanation for calling an unnecessary election during a surge in a deadly pandemic. #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Vaccination is his preferred culture war. It may work. #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
“Real progressive leadership.” That makes “the land is strong”
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
sound specific. #cdnpoli #lpc
“The pandemic is not over.” That’s WHY it’s wrong to have an election now, pal. #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
He needed to clearly frame the ballot question today. I thought he would. He didn’t. He was all over the map in trying to provide a rationale. Things are going to get interesting. #cdnpoli #lpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Excellent question in French: “isn’t it irresponsible” to call an election during an ongoing pandemic?
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Trudeau answer: [word salad]
Failure To Launch was a movie. It’s also Trudeau’s event today. #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
O’Toole sticking to Trudeau’s gaping vulnerability – calling an election during a pandemic: “We shouldn’t be risking [our safety] for political gain.” #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
This “secure the future” slogan is so weak. #cpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Mandatory vaccine question was logical and important. O’Toole danced around it. He needed to take the issue off the table. He didn’t. #cdnpoli #cpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Vaccination is clearly the Liberals’ preferred wedge. He just needed to say: “Yes. As PM, I will require federal public servants to get vaccinated.” He didn’t. #cdnpoli
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
O’Toole can’t credibly profess to be concerned about having an election during the pandemic when he equivocates on the critical importance of vaccines that help to end the pandemic. #cdnpoli #cpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
O’Toole today: It’s wrong to have an election during a pandemic. But I don’t think it’s wrong that many of my candidates refuse to get vaccinated during a pandemic. #cdnpoli #cpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
O’Toole’s Clintonian smirk during serious questions is off-putting. #cdnpoli #cpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Here’s how Chretien would’ve handled the vaccination question: “If they want to be a candidate with me, they have to get vaccinated. Next question.” #cdnpoli #cpc
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Singh already has the best visuals with the masked and racially-diverse kids behind him. #cdnpoli #ndp
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Singh is the most comfortable in front of the cameras. #ndp
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) August 15, 2021
Yup. Vaccination is the potential black swan sleeper for any or all of the leaders. We’re talking a political campaign here — not constitutional reality. Absolutely, every party leader needs to make it mandatory, à la Chrétien, if you want to be a candidate, period. Every party needs to make it mandatory for public service employees and those in federally regulated companies who work for private companies, like yours truly.
Of course, way after the fact when these issues inevitably reach the SCC, I doubt any of these mandates will past the constitutional charter(s) test but that is neither here nor there in the political reality of an ongoing fast moving campaign.
ROD said: “reach the SCCI doubt any of these mandates will past the constitutional charter(s) test”
sure they will… no different than school kids with the other 10+ vaccinations they have to take.
I don’t know about that. Charter challenges will come from adults.
The problem is that, as usual, the Liberals made an announcement that means nothing. Watch the Transport Minister bob and weave when asked what happens if someone in the civil service refuses to get a shot.
The patronizing tone Trudeau takes towards Canadians is what irks me the most. I will not be talked down to by this phoney. I am not the one who groped, repeatedly donned blackface and pranced around India dressed like a loon…
Why would O’Toole equivocate on requiring Conservative candidates to be vaccinated? Yet another example of potentially blowing a winnable election. I will be reluctant to donate funds to Conservatives if they willfully put a “kick me” sign on their hind ends.
O’Toole has to do the 360 before Trudeau does. Otherwise, Trudeau gets the brownie points and gold stars right out of the gate for converting himself on the Road to Damascus the very next day, which will make O’Toole look foolish for not doing it first on Monday, August 16th. Wake up Erin and smell the coffee before Trudeau does…and while you’re at it, denounce that ridiculous ad and FIRE the pea brain who came up with that idiocy. That moron has played right into the Liberals’ hands. Get rid of him or her now.
Agreed that O’Toole must have known questions about mandatory vaccination would come and should have been prepared.
As a political communications expert, how do you think he should have answered? I am too blinded by bias against the Liberals and utter contempt of all things Trudeau…. but…. Couldn’t O’Toole have turned the question around with a series of questions :
-Have the Liberals obtained a legal opinion on mandatory workplace vaccination?
-What would happen to federal civil servants who won’t get vaccinated? Would they be dismissed for cause and not paid severance? Would they be dismissed for cause and be paid severance? Would they be placed on unpaid or paid leave? This would be a no win question for Trudeau as it would risk upsetting his public sector union supporters.
-If all Liberal candidates are to be vaccinated, how will their status be authenticated? Will these candidates post their vacxination records online as proof?
Once again, O’Toole came across as hiding from the Conservative agenda. He needs to unabashedly stand for some policies while attacking the Liberal’s on their policies. Otherwise, in an election about nothing, the candidate with the nice hair and celebrity lineage will win again.
The Sun is full of shit. Trudeau could have gotten all of them out, and their families, in 2015 or 2016. Afghanistan is an unmitigated but highly predictable disaster and they all get to wear it in every Western capital, no more so than in DC and that means Biden is more responsible for it than any other head of state or government. The blame stops on his desk.
Meanwhile, the fucking morons at State and the CIA actually thought Ghani could hold out for another couple of months. IQs of below ten, I presume?
What was it 7 Trillion spent with an end result exactly the same as if they hadn’t spent a dime? Real peachy. Our brave NATO soldiers died for nothing.
I don’t buy it. Stephen Harper surrendered on behalf of Canada in 2011 because that’s exactly what Canadians wanted. Donald Trump threw in the towel on behalf of America in 2020 because that’s exactly what Americans wanted. Biden is just the last person left waiving the white flag. At least he won’t pass it on to his successor.
Didn’t our last CF trainer troops leave in 2014? In any event, both governments had a sacred obligation to protect those embedded with our forces and they didn’t do that in a timely manner. So, the blood of those people, and some of their families is on their hands.
First – O’Toole will not support mandatory vaccinations because he cannot lose the crazy vote to Bernier. At least 1/4 of the bedrock Conservative vote would walk if he did.
Second – Trudeau threw the best first day grenade that we have seen in any recent election. You might not like his tone. You might not like the issue but he has defined the Conservatives as not caring about your health. Will it be a winner? Probably.
Finally the idea that the SCC is going to strike down vaccination mandates is laughable. Presumably you also think that the SCC is also going to strike down speed limits, public nudity laws and permit drunk driving. There are tons of laws restricting individual freedoms for the benefit of the public and they have not been struck down.
Did I hear incorrectly? Does this mean that the Liberals said in both official languages that all of their candidates are vaccinated and that all Canadians must be vaccinated without an opt-out? Seems to me I didn’t hear that.
Now to your conclusion: if the unvaccinated are wearing masks in public places, are using hand sanitizer and are respecting social distancing, as directed by the PHAC and provincial/territorial health agencies, is there a legitimate reason to absolutely compel vaccination when they are taking these other mandated precautions? In short, we’ll see.
Remember an unvaccinated Trudeau (one dose) went to a G7 meeting. He also spent time with a 90+ year old woman.
But now he’s saying all federal employees must be vaccinated? Or what Justin? What will you do? Fire them?
Given the annoying, smug, arrogant smirk JT has had permanently plastered on his face since birth, I am giving O’Toole a pass on that one.
It would seem that Trudeau’s vacine policy is identical to
O’toole’s. Let’s see if the rest of the media picks up on this critical point.
Thanks. That’s exactly how I saw it but of course, the Liberal hypocrites will pretzel it in their favour. What else is new?
I see the Liberals’ new Pee Wee Word of the Day is “progressive”. Liberals, including but not limited to Selfie Boy, are regularly dropping that word into their pronouncements. Obviously must have tested well with focus groups.
They must have made an error in those focus groups: it should be all about how with each passing year in government they became more and more progressively stupid and corrupt.
A minor distinction but an important one.