09.09.2021 06:24 AM

Second French debate summarized in a tweet. You’re welcome.


  1. Sean says:

    These are indeed dark and disturbing days for Canadian voters….

    yet… last night’s debate provided certainty about one thing…. Paul’s and O’toole’s heads would make an outstanding bongo set.

  2. Phil in London says:

    My French is appalling but I did try to view both this and the TVA debate. If the English debate is as busy as this one was I will get into the whiskey early and cope.

    I’ve sounded off on this before but I think the reason you don’t have many “you had a choice” moments like Mulroney on Turner is because you can’t debate over the noise.

    While it was cute to have a kid ask a climate question, frankly I think it was more show biz than substance.

    Drop the clowns from the ticket get a great moderator, control the interruptions and have Singh, Trudeau and O’Toole face off and I think you have a very different outcome.

    I don’t think these fiasco do anything to sway a lot of votes, the best strategy is to avoid blowing up.

    • Phil,

      Agreed. Most people are pretty much solidly made up as per their minds going into debates. But it can move 10% of so on a lucky day. That would be an exception rather than the rule.

  3. Phil in London says:

    My French is appalling but I did try to view both this and the TVA debate. If the English debate is as busy as this last one was I will get into the whiskey early and cope. I do believe the TVA was a better attempt at a debate in the traditional terms whereas this was and usually is a free for all.

    Debate implies an educated discussion between two opponents. What we have is a writ period clusterfuck.

    I believe a series of true debates where main parties only participate is too fearful an option for the party’s braintrusts. You won’t get a third leader trying to edge into a conversation when one leader has the other on the ropes in a true debate.

    Of course being a mental midget would have to be made prohibitive when selecting the next leaders.

  4. Phil in London says:

    Everyone says Legault is a kingmaker. Given his comments to the Montreal Gazzette – trudeau is the biggest loser last night.
    His appeal to French nationalists is clearly to beware of the liberals,greens and dippers.
    The nationalists are a pretty broad group in Quebec especially with separation not playing a big role these days.
    His comments that the best option for Quebec is a conservative minority may not change the vote in Papineau or other bastions of Fort liberalMontreal but it will play well almost every where else and may even boost conservative street cred in Ontario and the Atlantic.

    That thud you just heard was justin’s jaw hitting the floor.

    • Phil,

      The federal genius’ only true reflex is to automatically kiss off the premiers. Hope he likes it now that one of them has actually had the balls to royally kiss him off. Hint for Ford, Kenney and the rest of ’em that aren’t Liberals.

  5. JPB,

    I’m generally of the view that a wise course of action is always to take note if Ezra is headed one way and then precipitously coax oneself in the opposite direction.

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