10.27.2021 03:35 PM

Latest Sun Media hit: go to Hell, Canada


  1. Peter Williams says:

    Would the gropenfuhrer do this to a male cabinet minister?


  2. Sean says:

    pictured behind Warren’s right shoulder…. the dignity of the Liberal Party of Canada.

    7.00 – oh sure they are targeted programs alright…. Targeted at his family’s speaking fees.

    7.10-WRONG. Canadians expect Justin to STFU, go TF home and never be heard from again.

    8.00 no one cares where the money is coming from. Doesn’t matter anymore.

  3. Ronald O'Dowd says:

    From CTV:

    Mr.PhoneyBaloneyTM is at it again. And no one is surprised:

    TORONTO — “First Nations leaders say they are disappointed by the federal government’s decision to appeal a ruling ordering Ottawa to compensate Indigenous children removed from their homes, but will “work together” with officials to reach a resolution.”

  4. Peter Williams says:

    Whatever happened to the NDP promise to hold the Liberals to account?


    If the Liberals and NDP do a deal, will any Parliamentary committee be able to investigate anything the Liberals do?

    WE, SNC, and the Trudeau family are saying do the deal.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      Look, it’s as simple as pie. If Jagmeet and the NDP prop up Trudeau, they become willingly complicit in everything Trudeau has done and will do since re-election. Period. End of story.

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