01.30.2022 10:57 AM

Facebook cancels my Facebook account


  1. Gyor says:

    I’ve told my follows on the left supporting censorship wouldbite them in the ass, but no one listened, they were happy Trump was censored now increasingly its their turn. It will only get worse from here, big tech knows it can get away with censorship.

  2. Robert White says:

    Getting kicked off of Facebook is time honoured tradition. Consider it a feather in your cap.

    I had a Facebook account for the Harper petition that LeadNow initiated when he was still in office. I signed the petition and then changed the language on my account to an obscure Chinese dialect so that when I deleted the account Facebook would think that I spoke an obscure Chinese dialect.

    It worked and I could never translate my account when prompts from Facebook manifested.

    Facebook is untoward as a network IMHO.

    It’s a gain to lose a Facebook account.


    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      That’s why this thing called courts was created. To check the Executive and that they will surely do. Just ask the Trumpian oaf south of the border.

  3. Peter Williams says:

    If Justin gets his way (supported by Jagmeet Singh), the War Room site will be suspended too.

    Unless you report favourably on our Dear Exalted Leader.

  4. Gilbert says:

    That’s outrageous.

  5. Phil in London says:

    Facebook is the devil incarnate.

    NEVER will I be there. I left over a decade ago and have saved thousands on my hot water bill ever since – now showering only once a day now.

    If you’ve ever talked with people who’ve visited the compound it’s a college frat house and these people should not be responsible for changing the toilet paper in portable outhouses

  6. PJH says:

    Dont feel bad…..I had a strike against my account for mentioning a Chinese restaurant in a review of restaurants in my hometown….”Don’t bother” is all I wrote. FB in its infinite wisdom labelled it as “hate speech”……Wear this strike as a badge o’ honour, Mr. Kinsella…..

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