05.16.2022 07:08 PM

The Ontario election debate in tweets


  1. Derek Pearce says:

    How on earth did Del Duca win the Lib leadership? He is worse than uncharismatic. I mean we know that in Ontario “bland works” but this guy is anti-bland, he gives off weird vibes.

  2. Robert White says:

    I watched The Agenda afterwards so that I could hear the commentary from the lineup of all pink faced white kids that represented party strategists for the mainstream polical parties.

    It was all very white, and now I’m whited out via too many pink faced people talking their book like day traders.

    Pink faced white people are not people of colour so I guess TVO is representing the cohort they want to represent and they don’t care about all the other Canadians that are not as white & pink faced IMHO.

    TVO is elite & racist, frankly.

    Schreiner was interesting. Ford was sincere, Horwath gets my vote.

    Del Duca? meh


    • EsterHazyWasALoser says:

      Sounds like somebody else is actually hung up on race….

      • Robert White says:

        Until we make our legislatures closely resemble population in terms of ethnicity I will always be hung up on race, and sex. We haven’t even managed to attain gender parity in the legislature yet.

        Am I supposed to be pleased about the lack of representation for all ethnicity in our legislatures across Canada?

        TVO knows enough strategists to balance their guest list via sex and ethnicity, but they invariably opt for the pink skinned variety which seems odd to me especially after following Warren for a few years.

        Aboriginal Canadians should have full representation in all of our legislatures throughout Canada.

        What is government doing to ensure equity & parity?

        I shall complain, just watch me.


  3. Warren,

    THE END and Ford is still standing. That says it all. On his way to a PC re-election.

  4. the salamander says:

    .. Guess I saw the same debate ..
    No silly favourite colour or fave fast food topics a plus
    Do I recall anything about men legislating
    re a woman’s bodily functions !
    Hmm.. don’t think so

    Damn but they all kept repeating
    their reasonably shallow & safe talking points
    bullshit statistics too – 460 % or 3 thousand nurses
    400 carpenters, 2 turtle dumplings
    x number of Budget Literacy – wise ass Grade 4 kids
    fanciful factoid stuff like that.. p
    but how many Healthcare Professionals
    retire cum laudanum every year ..
    burnt to a crisp in Public Service
    & GP Docs age out too..
    So do welders & dog walkers,
    and obviously Political Parties have aged horribly

    A who lotta grandiose word posturing ..
    nothing to report here.. dynamic as mud
    all four of them.. it’s pitiful
    thoughts & prayers Ontario
    pax vobiscum ..

  5. the salamander says:

    PS.. your running twitter re the previous ‘Debate’ was a real hoot too ! Real nice to spot this fresh one
    and so relive the horror of The Debate
    but via a 1-2 minute read

  6. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    Was better TV than the last Leafs’ hockey game….just sayin’

  7. Douglas W says:

    Sensing a Ford majority, and so the only questions to be decided:

    Will Del Duca win his riding? (Probably)

    Will Premier Ford’s nephew, Michael Ford, win in York South Weston? (Probably not)

    Will Kathleen Wynne hold onto her seat in Don Valley West against former Toronto police boss Mark Saunders? (Coin toss)

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