06.24.2022 06:39 PM

Our latest Sun Media hit – on Roe v. Wade


  1. Scot says:

    Off topic but dam fine painting. Credit where credit is due.

  2. Warren,

    I want to clear up something I read recently where someone said that we’re in the same position as the States without a federal abortion law in effect. With respect, that is dead wrong. In this country, we have a vide juridique as opposed to in America where each of the 50 states could potentially choose to regulate abortion in one form or another. 26 are very likely to at least restrict it to some extent, if not outlaw it.

  3. Now speaking as a strategist who favours a future CPC government I would add this: it’s incumbent upon Poilièvre and Charest to address this issue on a daily to weekly basis right up to the next election. To use a Nixonism, the public must be “crystal clear” on where each of them stands as a pro-choice candidate and there must be absolutely no daylight between them going into the leadership vote. Further to that, each one of them must pledge to run pro-choice party commercials in the next campaign on a daily basis. Otherwise, the Liberals will distort and lie about the leader’s pro-choice position, not to mention that of the party in our platform. Either we kill Trudeau’s faux arguments ASAP or we’re liable to lose an election because of them.

    • Peter Williams says:

      It doesn’t matter what the Conservative Leader says, the Liberals will say Conservatives will ban abortion.

      • Peter,

        They can “say” whatever they like. Our job is to be like Harper and make sure it doesn’t stick, just as it didn’t in three successive elections (2006, 2008 and 2011).

  4. Gilbert says:

    The Supreme Court in the US chose life and the unborn. It’s a wonderful victory and one pleasing to God.

  5. This is glaring proof how the TrumpTrinityTM went out of their way to blatantly lie to gullible senators such as the twice-burnt Collins and the ever accommodating Manchin and they foolishly fell for it.

    They should have seen this coming and summarily voted against each of their confirmations. These are people without honour or integrity. Their respective performances is proof enough of that. Mere suck ups who pander to the whims and demands of the ever proud national DemonSeed.TM, who in his spare time tries his hand at becoming a fascist dictator.

    Wonder what God in heaven thinks about that? Hopefully he will let us all know in his own way and most especially in his own time.

    • Gilbert says:

      We’re not supposed to lie, but if a person lied about having Jews in his/her home to save their lives, I think it could be excused. I hope the point I’m making is clear.

  6. R. Marut says:

    SCOTUS goes back to their only legitimate role, i.e. judging laws and their application with reference to the Constitution, rather than inventing non-existent rights while acting as unaccountable enforcers for the Left.
    Now the voters will decide the you-know-what at hand through the legislatures they elect, and the lefties don’t like it. Wazzat tell ya?

    • R.,

      It may have escaped you but the evolution of the Earth and the laws in various nations is based on progress effected by humankind. That true constructionist judicial philosophy is bullshit — according to that twisted logic, have we the right to regulate or even pass laws regarding such novel things that exist post the adoption of the American constitution: I don’t know, things like electricity, refrigeration, medical science advances, automobiles and trucks, etc. My God, such things can’t possibly be adjudicated upon as they are not expressly enumerated in the constitution! A bona fide legal right is never subject to subtraction. This minimalist approach is sheer nonsense and the case law that flows from same is not even remotely credible.

  7. But the fun part will be watching women in general and not just feminists. They will have to back their pro-choice convictions with constructive action in the voting booth. That means moving heaven and earth in each state and possession to defeat every legislator at the federal and state level who does not recognize a woman’s right to choose and to control her own body. Men CAN’T win this one for them — nor insure legislative codification in Congress. So…women better make their own luck and laws or be prepared to allow the subjugation of women by men to continue. Period, exclamation point. That’s reality in the United States of America, because it’s 2022.

  8. Peter says:

    Warren is probably right that this issue will galvanize a lot of Dems and activists, but I have to wonder whether all their alarmist speeches and exhortations will persuade anyone other than those who already agree with them. There are many, many people who not only consider this issue morally gut-wrenching, but who are also put off by, and increasingly impatient with, the screeching absolutist rhetoric of activists on both sides. Polls show that strong majorities favour legalizing first term abortions and outlawing third term abortions, with a near-tie marked by gut-wrenching confusion and ambiguity about the second term. If this debate continues to unfold with these conflicted views drowned out by those screeching that an abortion at six weeks is baby-killing or that an abortion at eight months is a constitutionally-protected woman’s right to choose to end the life of a viable child, then both sides risk driving folks away from them towards whoever seems to understand the difficult pull between two incompatible arguments that are not only widely-held, but both agreed with and rejected in some measure by the same people. So far, neither Biden nor the Dems are off to a good start. Luckily for them, neither is the GOP.

    • Peter,


      I’m hardly an expert but my greatest concern is with regard to the 2-3% of women who statistically may require an abortion procedure during the last trimester to save the life of the woman. A blanket legal prohibition at X point would do nothing to solve this serious although admittedly and fortunately rare individual health issue.

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