07.05.2022 10:06 PM

The Conservative Party couldn’t organize a two-house paper root


  1. Warren,

    I wouldn’t go that far. After all, they caught it ASAP.

    My Ballot:

    1. Jean Charest

    2. Scott Atchison

    3. Leslyn Lewis

    4. Roman Baber

    5. Pierre Poilièvre

  2. Gilbert says:

    I want to wait to hear the reason for Patrick Brown’s disqualification. There should be more news soon.

    • PJH says:

      I suspect we will hear from the Conservative Party brass…..oooh, say around October…..

      The vote to turf Brown was 11-6, so not all the grand poohbahs were convinced of Brown’s wrongdoing, or at least thought giving him “the heave” was a little premature….

  3. Sean says:

    Any time a campaign is ejected from an internal party contest for cheating… is a good day for Canadian democracy. These contests are traditionally wild west shows in Canada. Such action *if justified* elevates the CPC brand IMO.

    If PP’s campaign is part of this, it will feed tens of thousands of votes to Charest on every ballot.

  4. Steve says:

    Haha. Its a tad early to say the CPC have defeated themselves. Liberals are understandably nervous knowing the winds of change are coming with Poilievre. The Liberals and the MSM are in for what will be an unwelcome surprise. Canadians are sick of Trudeau’s lying Liberals and will bounce them out next election. Scandals and cover ups are now daily SOP with the LPC. A recession is coming that will be made much worse by Trudeau’s climate dogma. They will be lucky if they are not be reduced to the fate of their Ontario Liberal cousins in the next election.

  5. Pedant says:

    If you have evidence that Poilievre’s campaign is behind this, it would be interesting to see it.

  6. Ron Benn says:

    A paper root or a paper route? Such are the challenges of homonyms and spell check.

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