, 09.11.2022 10:55 AM

KINSELLACAST 227: Farewell to a legend – with Lilley, Mraz, Kheiriddin, Belanger Plus: Walker Brigade, Big Thief, Sharon Van Etten, Son Volt, Scout Niblett


  1. Warren,

    I could shit all over my candidate and his organizers for such a poor showing but frankly, we never had a chance from Day One. Tasha hit the nail on the head: this is a new CPC and time will tell soon enough if it’s a better incarnation than the last one. Don’t take any bets.

  2. I’m more with Warren than Tasha. PP has to control the lesser qualities of his personality — the autonomic tendencies — if you will. My greatest horror story would be if Poilièvre does something that blows him and our party straight out of the water and then the raison d’être becomes…he just couldn’t help himself because of the ingrained tendencies of his personality.

  3. To win, Poilièvre has to be, at minimum, re-engineered and politically re-invented and that is, at the very least, a tall order in the era of social-media. Can he pull it off? We’ll find out soon, as the Trudeau Liberals and others won’t wait until the election to start trying to take him down. They will do it from the moment the Ascension protocols will have been taken care of in Parliament. Rapid-fire WR guns blazing are in PP’s political future and fast. It will be unending and extremely painful, at minimum. At worst, scorched earth.

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