09.22.2022 09:58 AM

Trevor Harrison, RIP

I met Trevor Harrison when I was brought in to advise the Ignatieff guys, more than a decade ago.  Whenever I’d see Trevor – always with his trademarked smile and good humour – I’d call him “Canada’s tallest freestanding political staffer.” He’d laugh.

Trevor died last week. You may not have known him, but many on the Hill did, and we are all diminished by his passing. RIP.

1 Comment

  1. Warren,

    I’m repeatedly struck about how cold-hearted people have become in society particularly when you knew the deceased as a supposed friend in life and yet when they pass on, tragically or otherwise as in due course, not a peep is written in these comments as a final farewell or tribute. My God. I did not know this man but may he rest in peace. Politics has sunk to a new low and so have the previously sacred and special bonds of friendship.

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