, 02.12.2023 11:13 AM

KINSELLACAST 248: super duper show with Adler, Lilley, Kheiriddin, Belanger – plus Gel, Cancer Bats, Helmet and Killing Joke!


  1. Warren,

    I read your piece in The Sun. Yes, Poilièvre theoretically could win or lose — but IMHO, the next election is a referendum on the incumbent and as such, this government is likely to defeat itself. Sure, it could be 2004 all over again but it could also be 2006 all over again. My money is on 2006. This Prime Minister is well past his best-before date and his ministers keep making one serious mistake after another. It’s serial now. And that helps PP and the CPC.

  2. Yup, we’re drifting in slow motion towards WWIII. There will be a horrendous loss of civilian life in this war but Ukraine strikes me as a textbook example of a war between good and evil and as such, must inevitably take place if humankind is going to survive on this planet. The devil and his human agents need to be vanquished from the face of the Earth. Putin is not the only one in power. There are several more. And surprise, surprise, they are the most reliable of his allies.

  3. They’re calling it a joint executive decision with Biden. But if that’s the case, why was it an American F-22 that shot it down? Only the U.S. President can give that order.

  4. Martin Dixon says:

    To those PP haters who are diminishing his support for one reason or another(no women,his terrible hairstyle, centred on the west, convoy supporters, blah, blab, blah), you need to take notice of the fact that Warren normally reads his column verbatim on his podcast after it is published on The Interweb. Not this time and here is why:


    Got his attention. And there are actually women(gasp!) in that crowd and most of them are likely NDP voters. This has been going on since the leadership campaign as I have been continually saying. I actually hope that his haters keep their blinders on because the minute the usual suspects think that he could actually win this thing, PP will face the full wrath of Laurentian Elite and their subsidized fellow travellers in the media.

    Remember this grip and grin?


    The new guy, Hipkins, would likely never be caught dead in the same room as him now. Hipkins now sounds a lot like PP and he is running away hard from Ardern’s policies(similar to JT’s as laid out in the above article) to try and save their party’s mandate:


    Couple of other things on the podcast.

    If presented with two people and all I knew about them was that one had a paper route when they were a kid and the other didn’t, I would pick the one who had a paper route. Hands down. For piles of reasons. Shades of the Buckley quote:

    “I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston phone book than by the faculty of Harvard.”

    And the only possible way one could find JT charming would be to get by his obvious narcissism. His charm is lost on me.

    I did not know until today that Tory was responsible for the infamous ad that Warren constantly references.


    He bounced back from that and he will bounce back from his current situation.

  5. To be fair, the first balloon was tracked by NORAD from the moment it floated over the Aleutian Islands.

  6. Chinese troops training in Canada, in winter conditions, wasn’t exactly a brilliant idea either. Went over really great in D.C. But Trudeau blamed Harper for it.

  7. GIC appointments and contracts are evil. More often than not, they are merit-based. Hardly. They almost always inevitably go to friends, party people, ex-staffers and supporters. I saw it under two different parties. And that will never, EVER change, regardless of which party and which leader is elected to office.

  8. Curious V says:

    Maybe PP will win, despite being such a dick, and we’ll have our own version of Balsonaro right here in Canada.

    • Curious V,

      You won’t see Conservatives storming the governmental heights if we lose and that applies even if we win one but lose the next one.

      • curious v says:

        If you were a candidate, Ronald, I might even vote for you. You have pretty balanced and thoughtful views when it comes to the issues, but you aren’t and the extreme of that party, where PP comes from; they’re nuts.

      • Curious V says:

        The convoy boys almost did just that – next best thing.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Yes, you have made that clear that you think he is a dick. I actually think a lot of your posts are pretty good but your PDS is clouding your judgement. The Balsonaro comparison is laughable.

  9. Curious V says:

    He’s bad for the the disabled, bad for minorities, bad for seniors, bad for health care. As much as he talks about crime he’ll exacerbate desperation, and in turn we’ll get more crime on public transit. A populist extreme right-wing wacko. My dad always warned me about the extreme right in Canada – they remind him of the Nazis who occupied him in WW2. People who had an easy ride will get an easier ride, and all those who had things to overcome will suffer more because of him.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Absolute total nonsense.

    • Curious V,

      Get a fucking grip. Trying to equate the CPC with Nazis…

      There goes the very little credibility you had over here.

      • Martin Dixon says:

        CuriousRonald, it is clear that we have been trolled. Our bad.

      • Curious V says:

        The extremes of the conservative party have a lot in common with the Tactics Nazis used to win an election. They won an election before declaring martial law – It’s my dad’s perspective that rhetoric from the extremes of that party, and I have heard plenty of it where I live, reminded him of the Nazis. He experienced them as a kid.

        • Martin Dixon says:

          Breaking my don’t feed the trolls rule already but if you actually believe PP is a Nazi(that is what you called him), there is no point in even engaging. Why would you vote for someone like Ronald if he is openly supporting him?

          • Curious V says:

            I didn’t call him a Nazi. I said his tactics and rhetoric are similar to the style Nazis used to win an election. They won an election before declaring martial law, and their communication style, and the rhetoric used is similar to that which the reform party base uses. I also said he encourages and supports neo-fascist groups, like the folks from the convoy – which is pretty clear. There’s been a rise in anti-sematic and anti-immigrant rhetoric, and Russian propaganda across Europe, in the UK, in the Sates and in Canada – PP appeals to, and appeases them, just ;like Trump does in the States.

            I might vote for Ronald because his views are more moderate than the party he supports. I don’t get why he’d support them because he’s way closer to the centre than PP.

          • Curious V says:

            Martin, I don’t even know what a troll is. I’m the proud son of immigrant parents who took charge of their lives to forge a healthy and prosperous, and engaging upbringing for their kids. They worked their fingers to the bone, had no favors in life – and made it in a new country. I have two degrees, lots of life experience, and a charming, welcoming and warm disposition. I’ve also experienced the extremes of the right-wing in Canada and they are lunatics.

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Curious V-here is what you said.

            “A populist extreme right-wing wacko. My dad always warned me about the extreme right in Canada – they remind him of the Nazis who occupied him in WW2.”

            That is a distinction without a difference. You may be a fine person but you can’t throw out the Nazi card without losing all credibility.

          • Pedant says:

            You’re evidently perfect, CuriousV. And definitely the first leftist to say that anyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi.

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Pedant, I think you meant he is NOT the first leftist to call people they disagree with a Nazi.

    • Peter Williams says:


      Like people who rode motorcycles in Canada while wearing German helmets during WW2?

      Wonder who that could be?

      • Martin Dixon says:

        If people want to go down the road of who the leaders are associated with, JT has someone in his cabinet that gave air to the view that 911 was an inside job. But she is the right sex and colour so that is ok. I could go on and on but you need to look no further than JT HIMSELF! SNC, Gropegate, ethics violations, WE etc etc.

      • Martin Dixon says:

        In case anyone missed the point here, people should read this. We have only had one actual fascist PM in our history.


        • Peter Williams says:

          And his son admires ‘basic dictatorship’

        • Martin,

          I wouldn’t go that far. Not at all. Remember that Quebec society was essentially divided into two camps: those who supported Pétain and those De Gaulle. In Quebec, largely due to the stranglehold of the church, Pétain supporters were much more numerous than De Gaulle supporters. This book deals with young Trudeau who went with the flow of his generation. Remember that by the time he became one of Pearson’s wise men, his political outlook and leanings had shifted to largely that of the CCF-NDP. Pearson knew this when he recruited Trudeau. So people make mistakes, political or otherwise especially in their youth. Think in 2023 as a good example, defund the police.

          I thought the old man was a Class A asshole and bastard but as PM he was anything but fascist. He gave up power when he lost to Clark in 1979. Fascists don’t generally work that way.

          • We even had one priest who smuggled a Nazi after the war to Quebec City. Once there, the priest and his contacts made sure he made it safely to Latin America.

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Ronald, I assume you have read the book as I have. I am obviously making a point here. There is MUCH MORE evidence he was a fascist than PP is. From the book:

            “democracy was bad and that fascism — as represented by Mussolini and Pétain — was good. Thus, even as a young man of twenty-three, Trudeau was ignoring the war in Europe and plotting a revolution to take Quebec out of Canada. The picture that emerges is of a Quebec elite that was raised to be pro-fascist, and where Nazi atrocities were dismissed as English (Canadian) propaganda.”

            So as a minimum he certainly was guilty of hanging around with fascists-why didn’t he run away from them as fast as he could?

            And as Peter said, his son admire basic dictatorships.

  10. Peter Williams says:

    Re $6000 per night hotel stay:


    Rumour has it that for the coronation of Charles, McKinsey advised the PM to stay in a hotel costing $5000/night. Thus, he could say he was saving Canadians money. Of course the fees for the McKinsey study were unavailable.

  11. Curious V says:

    I also excelled in life with a few disabilities, and the right wing, folks from that side of the aisle, they discriminate and hold people back because of health issues even when you consistently outperform them – it’s an attitude rooted in right wing culture. They have a supremacy complex and resort to fiction when they’re outdone. Outdone consistently in most aspects of life by a disabled immigrants kid – I’ve experienced their tactics, delusions and fiction

    • Martin Dixon says:

      That is a very sweeping generalization and inaccurate. I didn’t think that was a thing anymore. You are talking about assholes and being an asshole is not unique to the member of any particular party.

    • Pedant says:

      At least you’ve managed to stay very humble, rational, and non-judgmental in the face of such trauma.

  12. Curious V,

    I, for one, will agree to disagree and call it a day.

  13. Curious V says:

    Call it a day and move on. We’ll start again when the next article is posted – I really enjoy this.

  14. Peter Williams says:

    Perhaps it’s time for all Liberal MPs, including cabinet secretaries, cabinet ministers, and especially the PM to take ethics training and conflict of interest training.

    Followed by a mandatory written test, the results of which, would be made fully public. If they don’t get 100%, they wouldn’t be paid.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      I actually can’t get too excited about Fergus if that is who triggered this post. At least it wasn’t criminal. So, there’s that.

      • Peter Williams says:


        There is a never ending series of Liberals who think the rules don’t apply to them.

        Standard Liberal excuse #1. I didn’t realize it was wrong.

        #2. No one told me it was wrong

        #3. I’ll do better next time.
        Next time? Basically admitting they’ll do it again, but will try harder not to get caught.

        • Peter,

          I have to ask this question since I don’t know the answer: when someone is named to cabinet they receive a mandate letter. Now, do they not also receive an ethics package at the same time that details the dos and don’t for said minister? Is that the case now and was it also standard practice for previous governments? If the answer is an unqualified YES, then these ministers are simply lying POS, period.

  15. Curious V says:

    It’s my dad’s perspective from lived experience that the extreme right-wing of the Conservative party uses similar communications style, and rhetoric to that of the Nazis. Look at the stuff coming from the convoy, from the extreme right wing around the world. There’s been a resurgence of fascist ideology in the western hemisphere. An upswing of anti-Semitic language, and Russian propaganda in Europe, Canada, and the United States. That’s a credible statement, and he isn’t alone in noticing. The Conservative leader panders to them for fear of their ilk leaking to the people’s party – Is he with them or with the Canadian mainstream in condemning them?

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