03.10.2023 01:01 PM

Our latest Sun Media hit: the next Liberal leader


  1. Douglas W says:

    Next Liberal Leader … sometime after 2025.

    There’s no way JT is giving up this gig.
    He loves the perks, and he seldom has to show up for work.

  2. Warren,

    I would argue that the Trudeau tenure, post-Paul Martin, is but an extension of the succession problem that the party has had since Martin left. Bill Graham did a fine job but he wasn’t a self-evident natural successor to the Chrétien and Martin legacies. Ditto for Dion, Ignatieff and Rae. None of them were the obvious successors to the Chrétien-Martin legacy. So this Prime Minister is but a continuation of that modern-day Liberal Party trend.

    • Sean says:

      ROD – 100% exactly right. No one expected Martin to lose. The plan was for Martin to win a pounding majority. The usual suspects – Copps / Rock / Tobin / Manley, McKenna etc. were to have a real leadership race about 3-4 years after that. Never happened. The Martin leadership team was largely responsible because they were extremely paranoid and worked to force everyone away. Underneath the facade, the Liberal Party is still reeling from the unexpected loss of 2006.

      • Martin Dixon says:

        They are still reeling from the Martin Chrétien feud.

        • Sean says:

          It goes back way farther than that… to 1948… when Paul Martin Sr. first tried for the leadership. It is Canada’s longest and most robust political feud. Liberals shouldn’t kid themselves. Justin’s team includes many former B team Martinites… The feud lives on… and it will never end.

  3. Gilbert says:

    If the polls show JT is in trouble, he’ll be out. How much longer can the most autocratic, arrogant, divisive and unintelligent PM in Canadian history remain in power?

  4. Gloriosus et Liber says:

    Is it me, or are the same people plumping for Mark Carney the same who plumped for Michael Ignatieff?

    That turned out brilliantly.

    • GEL,

      Too funny. Pumping for a leftover double central banker whose view on the world helped to create the inflation misery now affecting all of us. If all they can come up with is a recycled Carney, then they’re not only true elitists but truly, truly, desperate.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Yes- the status quo Toronto Bridal Path types.

  5. PJH says:

    Mark Carney: “Michael Ignatieff with a calculator”

    Your Irish wit strikes again.

    Thanks for a much needed belly laugh.

  6. western view says:

    The LPC wonder why western Canadians can’t stand the Party?
    Buried in third place behind the NDP, the Liberals chose Trudeau name recognition and GQ looks to lead them out of obscurity from the back benches. Western Canadians read that picture correctly, refusing to catch the Trudeaumania 2.0 wave in 2015 and firm in belief that budgets don’t balance themselves. Jim Carr was about the only respectable Liberal MP elected that even tried to represent western Canadians interests amidst the plotting and scheming to destroy the oil and gas industry. Today, there isn’t one Prairie cabinet minister with a top tier portfolio and little influence over policy decisions.

    Fast forward to 2023. Trudeau is topping himself, upgrading from being a national embarrassment to an embarrassment to the Liberal elites. However, if Mark Carney is drafted to lead the Liberal Party, the elites are telling western Canadians to expect more of the same. Green politics and ESG values preached from the Laurentian altar that will play well to eastern Canada and everyone else can go to hell.
    Nobody has to like conservative politics, but at least the CPC can lay claim to being more than a rump party from Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.

    • PJH says:

      My riding in BC (last time I checked was still Western Canada) a suburban area outside Vancouver, is a swing riding, and it went Liberal in 2015. Full disclosure, I voted for the Liberal Party that election, because I hoped that they would address the crisis facing Pacific wild salmon stocks after years of inaction by the Harper Conservatives. The Liberals have done only marginally better in this regard, but of course have done immeasurable harm to the country as whole since their election. I have not and will not make that mistake again, and the riding returned to the Conservative fold in 2019. I still find the idea of voting for Pierre Poilievre distasteful, but I find myself thinking if that is the only way to rid the country of this unfit PM we have…..I may just have to pinch my nostrils and do so.

  7. Peter Williams says:

    John MaCallum, the former Liberal cabinet minister and former ambassador to China, admitted in a July 2019 interview with the South China Morning Post that he’d been advising the Chinese Foreign Ministry on how to conduct it’s affairs so as to help re-elect Trudeau’s Liberals and hinder the prospects of the Conservatives.


    I’m certain Justin’s rapporteur will find nothing wrong with this.

  8. Peter Williams says:

    How much money did the Trudeau government (supported by Mr Singh) send to China during the pandemic?

    This would include foreign aid, personal protective equipment, medical supplies, etc

    Also include contracts for medical supplies coming from China, vaccine development (how’d that work out!) etc.

  9. Curious V says:

    Trudeau’s tenure has mostly been about crisis. First he dealt with NAFTA, and Trump – he excelled. Then he dealt with a pandemic – he excelled. PP has embraced the convoy, disinformation and demagoguery. I’m not saying Trudeau is perfect, but he performs well under pressure, and he’s done well guiding us through crisis. We’ll see if he’ll make it through the latest crisis, but if past performance is any indication, he has a good chance.

    • Peter Williams says:

      Der gropenfuhrer Trudeau’s reign has been about conspicuous consumption:
      – campaigning with two jets. One jet was not enough to carry his sock collection.
      – bought 8 boats for Harrington Lake, charged to taxpayers! Yet makes $300k plus a year.
      – $6000/night for hotel room!
      – also known as Sir Flys a Lot. (Yet tells me and Curious, we have to cut back – climate change)
      – and by his own admission all he does is coordinate meetings and show off his socks.

    • Ron Benn says:

      Just curious as to why you think JT excelled with NAFTA II and Trump.

      Canada ceded sovereignty to the US when Chrystia Freeland (who was once tipped to be JT’s successor and is now generally acknowledged as limited in capability and no longer under consideration for promotion) agreed that Canada would require the explicit permission of the US to enter into ANY free trade agreement. Any! How does that fit in to the definition of “excelled”?

      On leaving the Charlevoix summit Trump trashed JT, calling him weak and a liar. How does that equate to excelled at handling Trump?

      Just curious.

  10. Curious V says:

    Naheed Nenshi was a great mayor. I hope he runs federally someday – he’d be great in cabinet, and he has the chops, brains and charisma to be the Prime Minister.

  11. Peter Williams says:

    The smartest man in the room in JTs cabinet? Ain’t going to happen.

  12. Warren,

    The Trudeau Liberals are so arrogant and self-serving that they actually believe that Martin was wrong to look into Sponsorship. That’s why this poor excuse for a Prime Minister will never, ever, agree to an inquiry. And “unreasonably”, people will conclude that this government has so much to hide that they already know that an inquiry will undoubtedly be politically fatal. So…no inquiry but eventually an election, and down will go the Liberals for at least a decade. Most people have finally had enough.

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