03.01.2023 09:19 AM

Stupid is as stupid does


  1. Steve T says:

    Actually, I think Justin seems to understand a large swath of the Canadian population fairly well. Right on cue, he played the “racist” card for people who questioned his government’s actions (and inactions) on this topic.
    Why does he do that? Because he knows a lot of the voting population can been cowed into submission with an allegation of racism. It doesn’t matter if it is true. If anyone in the scope of the analysis (in this case, MP Han Dong) is a visible minority then they will be quickly put forward as evidence of “racism” – and the Canadian population will utter a collective “sorry” and look the other way.
    As with many things, we get the government we deserve.

  2. Warren,

    How does this PM and his PMO deflect or dodge culpability? Conclusions necessarily must be made on that and at least a sanitized version of findings on the facts must be publicly released.

    They prefer to take their chances and skate on increasingly thin ice. They already know they are done as dinner as a government if this thing goes before an inquiry or commission.

  3. And then there’s the final report…

    What do the Yanks say? It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup. They don’t want to go there.

  4. Peter Williams says:


    Please tell us what is your the “line in the snow” for supporting Justin Trudeau?

    We now know it’s not:
    – sexual assault
    – black face
    – lying
    – obstruction of justice
    – unethical behaviour
    – incompetence
    – stupidity
    – hypocrisy
    – living high on the hog at tax payer expense.
    What is your limit?

  5. Curious V says:

    There probably isn’t any kind of a coverup, but the optics play to the conservatives – so irrespective of the facts they’ve handed the conservatives a club to beat them with. As the son of an immigrant I have experienced the ingrained suspicion folks feel about outsiders, and the handling of this plays to that instinct – no matter what the facts are there’s a segment of society that jumps all over stuff like this to rationalize their ignorance. The Liberals, with bad strategy, are feeding that instinct.

  6. Doug says:

    JT is proof that stupid people can achieve leadership positions. He was fortunate enough to:
    1) have a brilliant political strategist as a close personal friend

    2) a political party that carries one of the world’s strongest brands

    3) a highly recognizable and celebrated last name

    • Sean says:

      GB is no political strategist. If you keep hanging around campaigns, eventually you’ll get the timing right…. and the rubes will think you know a thing or too. David Herle invented a career out of such nonsense. GB is just following in his footsteps…. Both of them are the COL Parkers of Canadian Politics.

  7. Peter Williams says:

    Re public inquiry.

    1. It might flush out the CSIS leakers. Which I suspect is why Mr Butts is asking for it
    2. It might stop the media from investigating further. Liberals could answer all questions with “no comment to avoid tainting the inquiry”
    3. It would be run by a Liberal appointee, who would find no material evidence, no impropriety, nothing to see here.
    Do we really think Ms Telford would let Justin appoint a truly impartial person to conduct the inquiry?

    Mr Singh, the Twitter Trudeau critic, wants a public inquiry. Funny, he could have much the same thing in committee, but his NDP keep siding with Liberals whenever committees ask for documents, and/or ask for witnesses that may hurt Team Trudeau.

  8. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    Apparently the PM feels he can brazen his way through this matter. And why not? It has worked previously. I agree with Steve T…we have the government we deserve. As H L Mencken said “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard”.

  9. western view says:

    I’m quite happy to see the drip drip drip if CSIS leaks in the media. Sometimes soon, one of these leaks is going to either connect many dots into a fascinating crime story or drop a huge missile hit to the PMO that will bring humiliation and resignations.
    One underdeveloped story is the alleged refunding of campaign contributions to the donors once tax deductions are calculated. Wouldn’t it be something if a few Canadians had a guilty moment and fessed up to a reporter about these alleged kickbacks?

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