04.29.2023 08:04 AM

Our latest Sun Media hit: President Carlson?


  1. Warren,

    I’d vote for him, sure, just as long as he changed his name to Tucker ASSHOLE.

  2. Gilbert says:

    If he ran, I doubt the pharmaceutical industry would fund his campaign.

  3. Steve T says:

    So here’s an interesting (albeit unlikely) scenario. Carlson gets the GOP nomination over Trump.
    RFK Jr gets the Dem nomination over Biden.

    Seems crazy, but Carlson is a more-articulate version of Trump. On the Dem side, Biden is seen by many (me included) as a boat anchor who is far too old and um…. mentally unsharp (the nicest term I could muster), who only has his incumbency keeping him afloat. I’ve read polls in which, bizarrely, RFK Jr is nearly equally popular to Biden across Dems and undecided voters. He also harbors well-known kooky anti-vax views, which might pull in some Republican voters.

    I think it would be quite the entertaining dumpster fire if either or both of them made it onto the primary short list.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Doesn’t sound too unreasonable. We were stupid enough to elect a PM just based on a name and the dumpster fire continues.

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