08.04.2023 06:13 AM

Queen’s U. talk, all here


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    Interesting listen. Those of you who are think PP is going to take us back to some sort of dystopian Handmaiden world should listen from 1:16:30. Been saying the same thing for years. There is very little difference between the two major parties and there are lots of checks and balances if someone goes too far. Although, just for the record, I do think there are more checks and balances in the US. Why I kept telling people to calm the fuck down after T got elected. Up here a PM with a majority is pretty well a dictator. In our wisdom, we didn’t give Justin that power in the last election but he bypassed it with his coalition of weasels.

    Despite the minimal differences, the ridiculous Katie Telford, in her desperation, is already playing the abortion card.


    And there will actually be some people stupid enough to believe it. You can see a few in the comments.

    • Martin,

      For true believers, Telford could pontificate on how she is actually The Blessed Mother and the sap suckers would buy it hook, line and sinker. So, the issues the PMO brings up are pretty much far from transformative with the overall electorate. The polling die has been cast and is setting slowly in cement. Nothing the TrudeauDipshitsTM can do will change their fate whether they go this fall or later. The only thing that could theoretically save them would be a major mistake on Pierre’s part in the campaign and I don’t see that happening. Pierre has already learned his lessons since winning the leadership. So, Team Trudeau should get their heads around a loss because it’s coming. People have FINALLY had more than enough of him and so a CPC majority is increasingly likely.

  2. Martin Dixon says:

    And now Katie is doubling down with her proliferation of lies. They have nothing else, I suppose.

    • Martin,

      The unmitigated gall of this person: he couldn’t even manage his private life properly and honourably, much less run a competent government. She has the nerve to make up stories about CPC policies and what Pierre would do as PM. As far as I’m concerned both she and her so-called boss can go royally fuck themselves.

      • On her best day, Telford is nothing more than a fawning, unquestioning sycophant. The head ass kisser and boot licker for MrByAllMeansLookHereNotThereTM. They thoroughly enjoy taking Canadians for simpletons and naive fools. I guess they consider us to be as dense and stupid as the guy who supposedly runs the place. The Thick As A Brick Government is going down. It’s about time.

  3. Derek Pearce says:

    Expect the Liberals to also play the CBC/SRC card in Quebec. It has more than a smidge of truth and could be very effective there, just sayin’– don’t shoot me lol !

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