, 05.11.2024 06:47 AM

From Israel to here

Back home from Israel.

Photo: where Hamas came into Kfar Aza on Oct. 7. I’m on the spot where they killed 20 young people before killing many more.

Jews and Israel feel isolated and afraid. They feel alone.

Well, I’m with them. And I am going to bear witness to the truth.


  1. Wink Dinkerson. says:

    Does anyone find it rich that the president is calling on Israel to show restraint when not so long ago tue US invaded certain countries for reasons that never seemed to line up. Or left brigades worth of weapons in the hands of communist and terror groups in the past and present cause they could not be bothered to ship them back.

  2. Warren,

    I wasn’t kidding when I called you an Earth Angel. God Bless you.

  3. Warren,

    Meanwhile, Netanyahu is gravely hurting our cause if the IDF has used American weapons against civilians in Gaza. If it was deliberate, then the IDF leadership would quickly become the focus of the ICC. Not good.

    After this war is over, there needs to be an impartial inquiry in Israel and if international laws and conventions have indeed been violated, then those individuals need to be held to account under military and criminal law. Same thing for the politicians, if they were complicit.

    No one gets a pass on this one, not the IDF, not anyone.

  4. Warren,

    As if we didn’t have enough ongoing wars, now the other demon seed is telegraphing his crystal clear intentions:

    “We have to take back Finland, Poland, the Baltic States, Alaska…”

    “Vladimir Soloviev is one of the faces of the Russian regime’s disinformation and propaganda, particularly since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. And on his show he asserted: “We need to reclaim a lot more historic land, restore historical fairness… Finland, the Baltic States, everything is ours. Let’s take Alaska too”.

    As for Maria Zakharova, Director and Spokeswoman for Information and Press at the Russian Foreign Ministry, she did not hesitate to comment on the provocative statements made by Russia 1’s propagandists: “So you haven’t played ‘Risk’? The people at Russia 1 certainly have, and they are keeping up the good humour in the eternal game of world domination. The extension of Russia to the former Soviet borders is an o-n-g-o-i-n-g p-r-o-j-e-c-t.” [emphasis added] Before concluding with a scathing and threatening “Stay tuned, stay tuned.”

    • So…let’s save time and get to it: the Russians are working and praying for the other demon seed to take power. Then they will quite deliberately and systematically attack all NATO nations that they consider Russian territory. Putin aims to reconstitute the borders of the Soviet Union by force. Period.

      And then the phoney pussy in DC will do zip. He will refuse to defend Europe and allow Putin to occupy a huge swath of democratic Europe. You read it here first. Welcome to WWIII, coming to a world near you.

      • From Dagens:

        At least the EU has good and honourable intentions.

        “EU Ambassadors Craft Security Assurance Agreement for Ukraine Amid NATO Membership Deliberations”

        “EU ambassadors have hammered out an 11-page “confidential” document detailing the bloc’s commitment to safeguarding Ukraine until its prospective admission into the EU and NATO.

        According to a report by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, which gained access to the document, this move marks a significant development in European diplomacy.

        The negotiated guarantees are designed to remain effective until Ukraine becomes a member of the European Union and the NATO alliance. Among the key commitments outlined in the agreement is the provision of consultations to Ukraine within 24 hours following any potential aggression against the country.”

    • The above is from Tagtik.

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