05.11.2024 09:31 AM

How far we have fallen

Hamas military wing logo projected on the side of a building at the University of Toronto last night. ⁦‪


  1. Warren,


    Hamas is a designated terrorist organization in Canada since 2002. This is an offence under both the Criminal Code and the IRPA.

    Find those assholes responsible and deport them now.

    • AndrewT says:


      But it won’t happen, for all the reasons will all know to well.

      But if it was a white Jew hater…….

  2. Dink Winkerson says:

    Interesting though, I had someone I know going off about the damn Jews and how they should be wiped out of Isreal….so i asked if he thought Hitler and the Nazis were right. Apparently that is where these idiots draw the line…..the world is stupid.

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