As far as the capital gains tax goes, what capital gains tax? There is no legislation. I am literally in the business and trying to give advice on it and can’t. I, for one, just have lots of questions about it and would be happy to take a position on it once I have specifics. Only position on the initiative I have taken so far is that Justin’s selling of it, particularly his recent video, is full of lies. And they were lies he didn’t have to tell to sell whatever he is selling. Out here in the real world there are people that could make some very serious financial errors(some may already have). Now, some will say, boo hoo, they are “rich” so who cares if they lose a bunch of money but I think Canadians are fairer than that. The lack of clarity is the story and Pierre is right not to take a position and he should remind people there is no legislation. The ironic thing, of course, given that Pierre wants to shift the tax burden away from workers to those that have just inherited wealth or accumulated it from Justin’s money printing, people might be surprised just what his views are. They would not be if they paid any attention. Look what the Tories did with the Income Trust scam the Liberals allowed to proliferate. They screwed Bay Street and their investors.
Decriminalization is a mess. Designated drugs and substances can never keep up with new varieties that come onto the illegal market thanks to criminals. So, decriminalization is no longer a viable option regarding treatment and law enforcement.
Ownership structure…talk about missing the forest for the trees. If you ban TikTok, you ban it because of content. Period. Incredibly stupid politicians.
Well, if you claim to be for the little guy then how can you be in favour of a 66% capital gains rate? That’s how people start to get ahead financially with spare cash. You invest it and use compounding to build wealth. Just like Trudeau and Poilièvre DID. Surprise, surprise. It’s not what I say that counts. It’s what I already did. An individual $250,000 capital gain is peanuts. No one can last more than a few years on that type of flimsy stock or bond market gain. Total hypocrites. But then, we are talking about Ottawa.
The new (old) Liberal wonder man, Dominic LeBlanc, promised that the Commission into Foreign Interference, would have full access to secret documents, including all relevant cabinet documents.
Now the Liberals are denying the Hogue inquiry access.
What are the Liberals trying to hide?
Jagmeet, aren’t you even the least bit curious?
The “most transparent” government is behaving more and more like Xi’s government. Has Trudeau gone past admiring “their basic dictatorship” to trying to emulate it?
As far as the capital gains tax goes, what capital gains tax? There is no legislation. I am literally in the business and trying to give advice on it and can’t. I, for one, just have lots of questions about it and would be happy to take a position on it once I have specifics. Only position on the initiative I have taken so far is that Justin’s selling of it, particularly his recent video, is full of lies. And they were lies he didn’t have to tell to sell whatever he is selling. Out here in the real world there are people that could make some very serious financial errors(some may already have). Now, some will say, boo hoo, they are “rich” so who cares if they lose a bunch of money but I think Canadians are fairer than that. The lack of clarity is the story and Pierre is right not to take a position and he should remind people there is no legislation. The ironic thing, of course, given that Pierre wants to shift the tax burden away from workers to those that have just inherited wealth or accumulated it from Justin’s money printing, people might be surprised just what his views are. They would not be if they paid any attention. Look what the Tories did with the Income Trust scam the Liberals allowed to proliferate. They screwed Bay Street and their investors.
Decriminalization is a mess. Designated drugs and substances can never keep up with new varieties that come onto the illegal market thanks to criminals. So, decriminalization is no longer a viable option regarding treatment and law enforcement.
Ownership structure…talk about missing the forest for the trees. If you ban TikTok, you ban it because of content. Period. Incredibly stupid politicians.
Well, if you claim to be for the little guy then how can you be in favour of a 66% capital gains rate? That’s how people start to get ahead financially with spare cash. You invest it and use compounding to build wealth. Just like Trudeau and Poilièvre DID. Surprise, surprise. It’s not what I say that counts. It’s what I already did. An individual $250,000 capital gain is peanuts. No one can last more than a few years on that type of flimsy stock or bond market gain. Total hypocrites. But then, we are talking about Ottawa.
A true hero. May his life be long and blessed.
The new (old) Liberal wonder man, Dominic LeBlanc, promised that the Commission into Foreign Interference, would have full access to secret documents, including all relevant cabinet documents.
Now the Liberals are denying the Hogue inquiry access.
What are the Liberals trying to hide?
Jagmeet, aren’t you even the least bit curious?
The “most transparent” government is behaving more and more like Xi’s government. Has Trudeau gone past admiring “their basic dictatorship” to trying to emulate it?