, 06.02.2024 08:23 AM

KINSELLACAST 314: Yossi Klein Halevi from Israel, plus Kheiriddin and Belanger – and Buzzcocks, Bauhaus, Magazine, PIL


  1. Warren,

    One of your most impressive guests. This gentleman is such a profound thinker.

  2. Warren,

    We may need leadership, but the problem is those in top leadership positions are clueless as to how to demonstrate leadership, and it has been that way since 2015.

  3. Warren,

    To my surprise, LeBlanc is backing down on pensions and the election date. At least one person has a few brains in this government.

    Kind of ironic that most of the future full pension candidates happen to be CPC MPs.

  4. Warren,

    I hope you’ll do a piece in the paper on this. What should be Biden’s strategy going forward? One camp is urging him to take Trump on at every turn, while the other is cautioning restraint. Both can’t be right.

    My strategic view is that less is more and will yield far more essential political dividends than the former. Why? Prior to conviction, Trump was leading with independents. Like you, I think that is almost gone now.

    If I was an independent, or even a MAGA supporter, who was wavering thanks to the guilty verdict, I would normally form my own final opinion in light of events if Biden kept it short as he’s done so far: “No one is above the law.”

    But if Biden went at it hammer and thongs, I would reflexively become defensive and eventually circle those wagons. In short, to win as many independents as possible, the less is more approach likely will pay far more dividends in November than a full-bore strategy against Trump.

    Of course, when we get to the debates and assuming that Trump is still the nominee, Biden will have to give at least as good as he gets. Hopefully, Biden gets to be Mulroney while Trump ends up being stuck as Turner.

  5. From The New York Intelligencer:

    “Per ABC News’ summary of the new poll, which was conducted May 31-June 1 among a random national sample of 781 adults:

    A plurality of Americans, 50%, think [Trump’s guilty verdict] was correct, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds, and almost as many, 49%, think he should end his 2024 presidential campaign over the result.”

    “A majority of Independents think Trump’s verdict was correct, 52%, and the same amount believe that he should end his candidacy.”

    “The national Daily Questions survey was conducted online Thursday among 3,040 adults. Per YouGov’s summary of the results, “Americans’ immediate reactions are polarized along party lines, with 86 percent of Democrats but just 15 percent of Republicans believing the former president is guilty of felony charges,” with independents “nearly twice as likely to think he’s guilty as to think he’s not.” But overall, 50 percent approved of the conviction.”

  6. Peter Williams says:

    The cartoonist forgot to show Justin with rolled up sleeves.


  7. Peter Williams says:

    Chrystia Freeland says the Liberal Party will conduct an internal follow up after a watchdog’s report said some parliamentarians are willingly aiding foreign interference.

    I’m sure the PMO will do a good job.

    • Peter,

      Are you sure we’re talking about the Liberal Party and its ignoble extension, Liberal MPs? Their usual pattern isn’t ever to follow up. It’s always to shut down. Freeland must be suffering from brain fog.

  8. Peter Williams says:

    In the last US Presidential election campaign Joe Biden said he’d never lie to Americans.

    Joe Biden said the ‘Hunter Biden laptop’ was Russian disinformation. So did 50 plus US intelligence officials/former officials.

    So why is Russian disinformation being introduced as evidence in Hunter Biden’s trial.

  9. Axe seems to be of the same view as Carville.

  10. Peter,

    There are no saints in politics. Merely lesser devils. Biden, fortunately qualifies as the latter. As for Trump, no word in the English language presently exists to describe his evil and wicked nature. Again, if he gets lucky, may he burn in Hell.

  11. Peter Williams says:

    ArriveCan exec admits losing documents.


    Doesn’t their server have back ups?
    Or were those “lost” too?

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